Another vision

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Finally after two hours have pass, football practice was over. I jump off the bleacher and waited for Jerry near the boy lockers.

As I waited, Frankie and his buddies came out talking and laugh.

Omg, what should I do? Look away? Start a conversation with him? What?

"Oh hey Vanessa" Frankie stop in front of me and wave his hand.

"Sup Frankie" I nod my head up.

Act cool Vanessa. Don't embarrass yourself.

"So Jerry was telling me you wanted to see that new scary movie on Friday. 'The Chosen one'?"

"Yeah! That look so bad ass!" I said with excitement.

"Well me and my buddies are going on friday and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?" He shrug his shoulder and act cool.

Did he just ask me out?

"Ummmm.... sure. Sound great" I said calmly but in the inside, I was screaming with joy!

"Ok then, see you on Friday then. Bye" he wave goodbye and left.

"Omg" I whisper to myself.

"Hey Vanilla. Why do you look so happy?" Jerry comes out the locker and stop next to me.

"Jerry! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hug him and thank him

"What for?" he ask.

"Frankie just ask me to the movies with his buddies" I said excited.

I can't believe it! Dreams do come true!

"That great!" Jerry yell. Then me and him were both jumping with excitement.

"OMG! Best day ever!" I scream out.

"Well we better go Vanessa. My mom will get mad if I'm not home by 8." Jerry said while pulling out the excitement moment.

"Fine" I said and started to walk toward his car.

One of the reason why I stay for Jerry football practice is because he my ride home. My parent think it better for him to drive me than by myself behind the wheel. Their so over protective over me but that just good parenting.

After I hop in his car, I turn on the radio and turn up the station.

"Hello everyone! This is Q97 and this is tommy and jay behind the mic! It that time of the hours to say the news. Jay! Take it away." I love hearing the news. It keep me update what goes around town.

"Thank tommy. This afternoon news is another brutal killing near the woods. The person killed was a mid 30 women who was walking to her car when she was attack and cut threw the throat. Ouch! That gotta hurt a lot . Police are still looking for the killer for all 5 murder cases but there is no traces of the killer. The only clues they could find in all five murders we all slit threw the throat and have two holes near their neck. Sound like more like a vampire to me" Wow! Another killing. Lately, the town have been suffering from murders around the woods or in the mountain. Some people started to move away because their might be a wild animal lose in the woods but I believe it just some crazy killer on the lose.

"Vampire are not real jay. If they were then werewolves and unicorns are real too. And I would love a pet unicorn for my daughter. Then she could stop bother me for a hamster or a rat. "

"Hearing the news again Vanessa?" Jerry ask while he get in the car.

"Of course." I said while putting down the volume.

Jerry turn on the car and drove away from the school parking. I was looking outside the window and hearing the car music until my vision started to blur.

I was still in the car and looking at Jerry. I was talking to Jerry while he was driving and he keep looking at me. Then Bang!

I look forward scared and saw a little boy body, laying on the road. He was bleeding and he didn't move. Jerry just hit him! I look around and see yellow and red houses. I knew where this was, it was a block away from my house.

I look back at the boy body and saw Jerry freaking out. He just hit a boy and was crying.

"Vanessa!" I snap out from my vision and look at Jerry who was still driving.

"What?" I ask.

"I was calling your name for three minute already and you were just dozing off. Check if my mom have message me yet" he nod his head toward his phone which was at the cup holder.

"Sure" I said and grab his phone.

"Did you have another vision?" he ask. Jerry knew I have these vision that could see threw the future. He think it just some power I have because of the brain power I have. He think it cool but sometimes it bad. I could cheat sometimes on testes by using it but other times are freaky and scary. Just like the one I had.

"Yup" I said while looking threw his phone.

"What was it this time?"

"You ran over a boy"

"What?!" he scream.

"You ran over a boy while driving and you were freaking out." I look up and see yellow and red houses. Oh Shit!

"Stop!" I scream and he hit the breaks.

Me and him were both breathing hard and in shock from the fast stop.

A little boy comes running threw the street and he picks up his soccer ball. He gave us smile and wave hello to us.

I wave back awakardly as the little boy run back to his house.

"Omg" Jerry whisper.

"I just saved a little kid life" That one of the good peck of having visions and being able to do something.

"I almost hit that kid" Jerry said out of shockness.

"But you didn't" I tried to lighten the mood but he was still in shock.


A car behind us honk for us to move.

"We need to move Jerry" I touch his shoulder.

He press on the gas and drive toward home.

"Don't worry Jerry, you didn't harm anyone so it all good" I tried to comfort him.

"Your right. It just prove more I gotta pay attention to the road then my phone." he said with a smile.

"There you go" I smile too and put up the volume of the radio.

Damn! She just saved a kid life. But also she could see the future. That cool. But not humanly. Keep reading for more fun!



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