4. {Horrified}

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Do you walk in the valley of kings?
Do you walk in the shadow of men
Who sold their lives to a dream?

Barns Courtney - Glitter & Gold
I was in my room and Archie was taking a walk with Betty. I still can't believe what happend last night. I mean, I absolutely support Jughead, serpent or not, but I still feel bad for him about Betty. Archie could use better words than the ones he used, those were harsh. And still, I can't get Sweet Pea out of my head. Like, was he flirting with me? I don't know. Do I definitely want to see him again? Yes. Ugh, it's so complicated, I wanna puke.

"Amelia," I hear my dad call me and I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. "Yeah, dad?" "We're gonna go to Alice's," he said and just nodded wondering why. I put my shoes on and my dad and I walk to our next door neighbor. When we were all in the living room they said things about the Southside and dealing drugs and honestly, I don't really care. I'm exhausted about the thing with serpents and dealing drugs, even though I know full well that they wouldn't do that. I would look for the source instead of the one to blame. Where would the drugs come from? Out of nowhere I here mayor McCoy sat things about the Southside Highschool and I widened my eyes in fear for Jughead and every other serpent. They're just teenagers. I look beside me to see Archie with a normal gaze, but I know that Jughead is still his best friend. He gives me a glance when McCoy and Josie leave.

~At Southside High~

Archie and I look around for Jughead and run upon him when we see him. As we walk out the entrance as Jughead calls out a girl, but we still convince him to come with us, but I couldn't help but look out the window as I see the serpents get arrested. One sight that broke my heart was Sweet Pea getting pushed towards a locker. I looked away with tears in my eyes. Even though I don't know him fully, the sight of an innocent teen getting arrested was heartbreaking. My brother pulls both, me and Jughead and we leave. As we walk towards Pop's I could see Jug getting pissed of and that makes me pissed too. Archie takes a seat and signed for me to do so as a make my hands into fists to control myself. "Jughead calm down." "Calm down? Archie, Riverdale just became a police state." "McCoy thinks the serpents are the ones dealing drugs." "They aren't. The Ghoulies do that." I narrowed my eyes at the weird gang name but shrug it off. "So tell mayor McCoy that." "Oh, the mayor McCoy who just arrested all my friends for no reason, why do you care man, I could expect Mel, but I thought you and Betty didn't want anything to do with me," Jug reasoned and I could agree. Archie says sorry and thinks Jug should talk to Betty, not the best advice, but it's my brother. Jughead stands up and says that he has something to do with Tall Boy. "Can I please come?" I ask and he seems hesitant but nods and I stand. "Tell dad, I'm with Jug and I'll be fine," I say to Archie and he nods.

As we walk in the place it seems dark and not the type I like. I grab Jug's wrist. "Sit down kid, we got business to discuss," a guy with a long beard says. "Tall Boy, what the hell is where are we?" Jug asked. "You're in my house," an unknown voice says and I tense up a bit and he turns towards us so we can see him and he chuckled, "It's the house of the dead." Odd name for an odd place. As they discuss something about a partnership with the Ghoulies, I could feel the guy's eyes on me, so I try to focus on the conversation. "Why did you actually bring a Northsider here?" Tall Boy suddenly asked and I glared daggers at him. "Because I wanted to," Jughead casually says. They say stuff about Jug's dad and there is a thrilling silence that the guy sitting next to Tall Boy decides to break. "Evolve or die, baby. Evolve or die." "I'd rather die," I say harsh and walk out of that place getting followed by Jughead.

The amount of anger Jughead has in himself, he basically passes to me as he walks around his trailer and Archie and I just sit there. They then decide to visit Fp, but I couldn't come with. So I stood outside the building. They walk out and towards me. "So?" "We're gonna challenge them for a race, but you aren't coming with us," Archie says and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?" "Did you see how that Ghoulie  was looking at you. Mel, I know you aren't scared of him, but I don't want to put your life on the line," Jughead said holding my shoulders. "I understand, that guy was giving me the creeps anyway," I said and they nodded. "I'll see you at home Arch," I say and start walking home.

A/N: Mel 'glaring daggers' at Tall Boy (Also it's Maia Mitchell's birthday, so new chapter):

A/N: Mel 'glaring daggers' at Tall Boy (Also it's Maia Mitchell's birthday, so new chapter):

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