Plane Ride To Hell

Start from the beginning

The first little while was okay, Elena was still holding onto the armrests for dear life, but the alcohol did help some, until they hit a patch of turbulence where Elena screeched and tore a hole in the seat where her claws dug in. She began hyperventilating. "Never been on a jet, Gilbert?" Kol bugged appearing beside Elena. "Nope, this is my first time... If you haven't noticed I'm not a one thousand year old homicidal vampire." Elena looked stressed, but as the turbulence evened out her claws unmatched from the leather, Klaus groaned. "Really? You slashed the armrests of my jet to pieces." Elena shrugged, anxiety still covered every inch of her face. "No, your just an eighteen year old homicidal hybrid." Kol shrugged, feigning nonchalance. Elena sent a glare towards him, flashing her canines which caused Kol to pale. She gave him a grin, canines and all. "I believe you just proved his point, love." Klaus poked her side, she grabbed his hand and broke it, but the bones quickly began fusing themselves back together. But the pain was still there, and as the bones mended it became a dull ache. "Ouch, that hurt." Klaus frowned, causing Elena to smile victoriously.

"Okay, I might be a bit homicidal. But it comes with the territory." Elena shrugged. "Surprisingly I have not ended one human life yet, then again I have only been a vampire/werewolf hybrid for a month, so plenty of time yet to screw up." A second turbulence hit the jet causing it to become a but bumpy, instead of digging her claws into the armrest, Elena latched onto Klaus causing him to grunt in pain. "Okay, ruin my Italian leather seats all you want, just stop clawing me!" Elena smirked before cutting into the seat once again.

Once both jets finally landed all was right again. Elena was where she belonged. On solid land once again.

They took SUVs to the Mikaelson's New Orleans residence. "God that was like a plane ride from hell." Elena groaned while pulling out her iPhone. "More like plane ride to hell." Kol muttered causing Elena's head to snap up as they entered the French Quarter. "Wow... And this is a popular vacation destination? It looks more like a dump." Elena joked while looking at the blood and carnage that littered the streets. Bloody bodies were strewn throughout the streets, all with puncture wounds to the neck, some even decapitated. It was very... Unsettling...

Klaus sent all the hybrids to go set up the mansion while the originals and Elena assessed the damage, which was a lot. "I have have heard of a movement between the witches, and I know who is heading it. They want to take out Marcel, and you Klaus." Elijah said in a hushed tone, as not to draw attention to their arrival. "Show us to the witch, Elijah." Klaus stated, voice devoid of any emotion.

Elijah lead them to Bourbon Street and up to a bar called C's Bar. A chime sounded as the five entered, they walked up to the bar and sat down. A man that looked to be no more than twenty years old walked up to them. "And what can I get you guys? A round of shots?" The man asked. Elijah gained the eye contact and began compelling the guy. "Go and get me Cassandra, and be discrete, please." Elijah sent the guy away, but he quickly returned with a brunette girl. She was probably around eighteen to twenty-five years old, with ocean blue eyes.

"Gregory tells me you wish to speak with me--" The girl, Cassandra, trailed off as she caught sight of the five individuals before her. "Ah, what a... wonderful surprise. It's been a while, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Niklaus, Katherine." The witch addressed them all. "No, I'm not Katherine... My name's Elena. I'm Katherine's doppelganger." Elena eyed the witch before her cautiously. "I don't plan on murdering you, you can stop with the hostilities, Elena." Cassandra smiled a little bit too brightly. "What can I do for you guys?" Cassandra asked, turning her attention to the whole group again. "We wish to speak with you." Elijah stated bluntly. Cassandra nodded for him to continue. "In private." Elijah motioned toward the bar which was crawling with vampires, all listening in to their conversation. The witch nodded before waving the group to the side door.

Once the door was shut firmly behind the large group Cassandra turned toward Elijah. "We heard about your kamikaze mission to end both Marcel and Klaus." Elena's eyes flashed dangerously yellow, but in a flash the effect wore off. "Y-Yes," Cassandra visibly paled. Klaus surged forward seizing the witch's throat lifting her off the ground and pressing her back against the wall of her bar. "Who?! What?! When?! and Why?!" Klaus demanded shaking the witch slightly. Cassandra made a haste decision and trued to give Elena a brain aneurysm in hopes that Klaus would let her go, but her strategy seemed to be a waste as the doppelganger hybrid simply smirked as the witch struggled in vain. "Sorry, but I guess I'm immune. All I have is a little bit of a headache."

"Let the witch go, Klaus." A voice rang out through the back alley. Elena's head snapped toward the voice eyes golden, canines bared, snarling at the vampire in front of her. Slowly vampires poured out of the shadows. "Calm down, pup. I am only here to talk, for now." The man snickered causing Elena to growl. "What kind of person arrives for a little chit chat with an army?" Elena snapped, refusing to back down from her defensive position. She turned back to Kol, "Yeah, I agree with you, Kol. That was a plane ride to hell." Elena grumbled.

AN: What's going to happen next? Vote/Comment to find out. How will Elena and Klaus get themselves out of this predicament? Or will they at all? All this and more... in Chapter 6

Catch'ya on the flip side Laterzzz ~LoveLiving

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