one - marlene hits me with a book

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Remus, on the other hand, I'm always fine with. He's the group's impulse control, and he works very hard to keep them in check. It is not the easiest task, but he does just fine. I can confide in him with almost everything. Except for the fact that I fancy him.

Then there's Sirius, who I also fancy. I know it's bad, and I really shouldn't, but it's for different reasons. With Remus, it's because he has such a good heart, and he makes me feel comfortable.

As for Sirius, I think it's obvious. He's charming, very good-looking, hilarious, and confident. I know I have absolutely no chance with him, however, because almost everybody else is obsessed with him.

Not only that, but he's from a sacred, pure-blood family while I'm a half-blood... I think. It's a touchy subject.

My mum is a muggle, but I don't know who my dad is. According to mum, he left when Benjy was born. You're probably wondering how on earth I came to be because I'm two years younger than Benjy.

Well, he came back after a while because mum was begging him to. Then he left the next day.

Mum didn't tell me any of this, of course. Benjy did. Benjy knows because that's all that our mum told him when he was six. After that, she was completely zipped, and she doesn't talk to us much otherwise.

Anyway, I continue packing. It's dull and makes me want to jump off Gryffindor tower, so it's not long before I get distracted and bend down to the fireplace in my room. I grab a handful of Floo powder, stick my head inside, and shout, "Marlene McKinnon's room!"

A few seconds later, I can see Marlene walking by her fireplace before yelping when she sees my head in it. "Oi! You could've warned me. I nearly threw my books at you," she scowls. I start to laugh until she whacks A History of Magic over my head.

"Ow! That hurt, prick! Anyway, do you think you can come over and stay over so we can go to King's Cross together? Em and Dorcas are in about ten minutes. And maybe James and crew minus Pettigrew," I inform. "His mum won't let him, so it works both ways," I add.

I won't lie, my house is fairly large. My mum doesn't mind when I have many people over, though, because she knows how lonely such a big mansion can get when there aren't even three people in it.

Marlene shrugs and nods. "Probably. I'll just have to tell my parents. How about Lily, though?"

I give her an annoyed expression. She understands and rolls her eyes in disgust.

"Snape again? I don't know what she sees in him. He's such a creep. I bet he has a lock of her hair stamped in that potions book he has with him all the time. Oh Merlin, maybe that's why he always has it with him!" Marlene snickers.

Horrifyingly enough, that doesn't seem far from whatever the truth is.

We do feel bad, but Marlene and I always talk behind Lily's back whenever she's with Snape. Call me a bad friend, because I am, but it's just so hard to understand. Like Marlene said, what does she see in him?

"I'll be there in five. Later!" Marlene calls, waving. I wave back and pull my head out of the fireplace, and the green fire quickly vanished.

Soon after, the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I shout, just in case it's Sirius or Remus. It's not just because I fancy them, but mum loves them. If she answered the door with Sirius or Remus there, they'd be stuck down there for an hour.

I open the door but I don't have to worry. It's James, and he carries a box wrapped messily. Well, maybe I have to worry a little.

"I can tell you wrapped that," I comment, tapping the box. James laughs and hits me over the head lightly.

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