Mustafa Ali

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You sunk into an empty chair next to Cedric and out of the view of the camera, the camera crew worked their way around you and began to set up their equipment.

"Why did you drag me along to this again?" You ask Cedric as you pull your phone out from the pocket of your jeans.

"Because they usually take a while to set up and i happen to enjoy your company." Cedric grins and snatches your phone from you.

"Hey." You whine and sit up straight in your seat. "Give that back." You reach for the phone only yo have Cedric pull it out of your reach. "Cedric." You whine at him.

"Thats my name yes." He grins at you and moves the phone further away.

"Give it back you overgrown child." You ask him again.

"Ummmmm, nah." Cedric shakes his head at you. "I think i'll just see who my best friend has been texting all day." He holds the phone away and unlocks it.

"Cedric." You reach for the phone again.

"Hmm lets see." You reach as far as you can as Cedric scrolls through your messages.

"Drake, Tony, and ooh look what we have here." He grins as he reads the text name. "You've been quite the busy bee talking to Mustafa haven't you?" He turns back to you and hands the phone over.

You snatch it back and switch it off, you hated when Cedric got all grabby with your things. Cedric laugs and sets his head in his hands as we waits for you to tell him why you had been texting Mustafa.

"So?" He asks you making sure you have his full attention for the moment.

"So what?" You reply. "Im not aloud to text Mustafa without your permission?" You raise a brow trying not to make it seem like a big deal.

"Well when i happen to know that you think Ali is a tall drink of water, then yes i want to know when you're talking to him." You roll your eyes at Cedric, why'd you have to tell him everything?

The camera crew finally finish setting up so you step out of the way and occupy yourself with your phone. After the shoot is done Cedric brings the topic of conversation back to Ali.

"So have you told Ali about your crush yet?" He asks you as the two of you make your way back to the locker rooms.

"Crush?" You reply. "What crush? I said he was cute, not that i had a crush on him." You correct the champion.

"Mhm." Cedric nods his head with a sly grin. "See but the thing is that i know better." He tells you. "I know for a fact that you like much more then the way he looks." You sigh knowing there isn't any reason to argue further with Cedric.

"Whatever." Is how you end the conversation. "I've got some stuff to do so i'll see you before the show starts." You go ahead and part ways with Cedric for a while.

Cedric nods his head and heads into his own locker room. With him gone you go down the hall and stop at Mustafa's locker room. You may have been doing a little more than just talking to him. You knock twice on the door and wait for it to open.

"There she is." You hear a gentle voice as the door opens to reveal a smiling Mustafa.

"Hey babe." You step into the room with a grin and get pulled into a hug as soon as the door closes. "How was your doctor visit?" You immediately ask after your let go from the hug.

"It went fine." Mustafa assures you. "Doc just said that i should tone it down a little is all." You nod your head knowing very well that isn't going to happen.

"We both know you won't." You comment as you take a seat on the bench.

"Yes i will." Ali challenges you as he sits down next to you.

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