New love?

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Murderous Alex's Pov~

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was it true? No it couldnt be...could it? "" I stuttered. I knew there was something about this girl that felt familliar but this? I didn't realise How long I had been sitting there arguing with myself but  I knew it was a long time because I was torn from my thoughts when I heard her think outloud quietly to herself "I doubt he still likes me...I'm a different person..but he might...doubt it...but what if he did? would we be a thing again? no he doesnt like the real me, do I like this him though?" she whispered. I pretended I didn't hear it. I then cleared my throat "Well..if you want...we could...go on a date...just to see if well...we still love eachother..." I spoke quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

Physco Alice's Pov~

I was struggling to proccess what I was hearing, it was as if I couldn't proccess it,  well I could, just you get the point. I blushed and nodded "Yeah that would be great. I hope you don't mind, but umm...can I get changed?" I asked blushing madly from embarrasment. He nodded and covered his ace with a pillow. I laughed and got changed into my PJ's ( it is the 4th one) I did my hair up and snuck up behing Alex. I jumped on him and laughed "HEY ALIICCCEEE" he complained and he felt her jump on him "What Alex?" I questioned innocently. I saw him smirk then he quickly pushed me off and pinned me down "Forgive me.." He whispered, he then leaned down and kissed me gently, I felt my lips tingle. Even when we were dating we never kissed. I smiled and kissed back, I pulled away and so did he. My lips no longer felt as warm as they did when they were with his. I smiled "Did you feel that too?" He asked and I nodded. I giggle like a little girl and sat up. he sat across from me and smiled. I leaned in and kissed him. I felt him kiss back and wrap his arms around my waist. I giggled and continued kissing him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and moved closer. I sat up on my knees, seeming as he was taller then me. Eventually we had to pull back for air. After a few minutes he spoke "Alice, I know what we had when we were younger wasn't exactly a proper realstionship but all I know is that when you left I couldn't ever feel the same around any other girls, well last I remember, all the girls that DID hit on me...all your old friends I just couldn'y see myself with them because they onlly person I could see a future with was you. And although we are different people now I just want to give us another go. So, Alice, Will you be my girlfriend....again?" he spoke letting out a deep breath. I could feel tears in my eyes "Alex...When I left I locked myself in my room and didn't come out for about a week. I got food bought to me but when Jeff told me he saw someone and descibed him as you, I jsut couldn't bare it. I loved you and that never changed. I knew when I saw you again that, there was something about you that I just found...perfect, the exact same feeling I had when I saw you..Yes I will be your girlfriend" I spoke happily. I kissed his cheek and yawned. He smiled and hugged me "Wanna sleep with me tonight?" I asked shyly, blushing. He chuckled and nodded "Sure, I would love to. We should head to bed" He suggested. I nodded and layed in my bed, I pulled the silver blanket over me. I felt him crawl in next to me. I turned over and layed my head on his chest. I felt that he was wearing no shirt and that he had abs I blushed "H-Hey Alex...y-your not wearing a s-s-shirt" I stuttered, I heard him laugh and then I felt his warm arm wrap around my waist "I know, I love you Alice. Goodnight" "Goodnight, I love you too" I replied quietly then I felt myself slowly fall asleep until the darkness consume me, the last thing I heard was "Forever" and then I fell into a deep slumber

Physco Alice x Murderous AlexWhere stories live. Discover now