Chapter Nine

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Adeline's phone vibrated and photos of her father and friends were attached to a message. If you delete my number again, I will hurt your loved ones.

Especially him. The last photo was of her and Sweet Pea in the bakery. Do as I say and none of them will come to any harm.

She let out a shaky breath and felt hot tears stream down her face. She hated whoever was blackmailing her and wished they would stop. Adeline quickly wiped her tears away when she heard her father calling her.

"Adeline! Are you ready?" He yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, give me a sec!" She checked her face in the mirror before running down. The young Hart got distracted and tripped over the last two steps. Her father tried to keep his laughs in but failed and bursted out in laughter.

"Are- are you okay?" Will wheezed. Adeline glared at him before letting out a couple giggles. She nodded her head as he helped her up.

"Pickens Day awaits!"

《   》

"Archie!" Adeline hugged the ginger and grabbed the popcorn out of his hands.

Archie groaned and tried to get it back from her. "Addy, come on. I bought that." She huffed and gave it back to him. He gave her funny faces while he chewed on the popcorn. He kept on doing that until she finally laughed.

Their laughter stopped as Veronica and the Pussycats started to sing. In the middle of their song, the Serpents walked through the crowd holding up signs with duct tape on their mouths. Adeline spotted Sweet Pea among them and quickly moved towards him. She tapped on his shoulder and gave him a smile before taking the sign from him. She held it up and thought that she felt like a ring girl.

Sweet Pea looked at her with pride that she decided to join them in their protest. Pickens Day was a lie and Adeline thought it was right to join them. Toni began to address the crowd about the real truth behind Pickens Day. That General Pickens led an army to slaughter the Uktena Tribe, her grandfather's family. But before Toni could continue anymore, Hiram Lodge interrupted her.

Adeline growled at the sight of the man. He was one of the very few people that she despised. Sweet Pea looked down at her with surprise and tried to smile, but the duct tape trapped him from doing so.

Jughead ripped the tape off of his mouth after a round of applause broke out for Hiram. He began to move forward, but was stopped by Thomas Topaz.

Feeling a buzz in her pocket, Adeline drew out her phone and saw another message. Go to the entrance.

She shoved the sign into Sweet Pea's hands and made a break towards the entrance, leaving him confused.

When she reached the entrance there was nobody there. She began to think it was some kind of joke and decided to walk away. Adeline turned and stopped abruptly. A tall figure stood a couple feet away from her. He wore a black mask and clothes that seemed to big on him

"Why are you doing this?" She whispered.

He took out his phone and another notification popped up on Adeline's own. Because you are mine.

"Yours?" She spat,"I am not an object that you can possess. I am my own person and you will leave me alone!" 

We will not stop until you are mine.

Before she could say anything, he ran into the woods; leaving her scared and cold.

"Adeline!" Will and Sweet Pea yelled from across the park. Once they approached her, they noticed that she was shivering. 

"Are you okay?" Will asked as Sweet Pea took off his Serpent jacket and wrapped it around Adeline's shoulders. She blushed at his action and muttered a thank you.

"I'm fine." She said, nodding at Will.
He looked at her unsure before sighing.

"Who wants to go to the Whyte Wyrm?"

《   》


hirty minutes later, Will and Adeline found themselves in the Whyte Wyrm. And with the Serpent jacket on, it made her feel like one of them.

"Hot damn!" Axel laughed, looking at her.

Will slapped his head making him raised his hands in surrender.

"You're like 40," Toni joked at Axel. "Back off pedophile."

He snorted and gave Adeline a wink,"I'm only 22." Will grabbed Axel's head and tucked it under his arm.

"Let's go over there."

Adeline shook her head and made her way towards Sweet Pea, who was playing on the video game machine. She laughed when he cursed and hit the machine.

"Language." He shifted around and lightened up at the sight of her. He loved the way his jacket looked on her.

"You look amazing." Sweet Pea said breathlessly.

She giggled and struck a pose,"I know."

"I take it back, you look hideous." He joked.

"Are you saying that your Serpent jacket is hideous?" Adeline smirked. Serpents nearby heard her and stared at Sweet Pea waiting for an answer.

He coughed and muttered,"No." She threw her hands up in triumph and smiled at the other Serpents. They cheered her on and ruffled her hair.

"You look at like a troll now." Sweet Pea laughed.

"Well you look like the beanstalk Jack climbed." She retorted.

"Was that literally the best you could do?"

She was about to retort again but someone yelled out her name.

"Angel Eyes!" One of the older Serpents, Danny, yelled. Danny was like a grandfather to her who enjoyed  telling stories.

"Danny!" She hugged him tightly.

"Are you up for another story?" He asked with eyes full of mischief. Adeline loved the stories from when he was in high school. He liked doing pranks and always got in trouble.

They gathered around a small couch and listened to Danny. "There was this boy I hated with passion and I still do! I hope he isn't alive right now."

"Danny!" Adeline exclaimed.

"He tried to beat me at everything back in the day. Obviously, he lost and I won." Adeline face palmed.

"And my goal in life is to live longer than that asshat."

《   》

sorry for any mistakes !

i also start school in two days. which sucks ass.

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