A Balcony of Hope.

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The door creaking open filled my apartment studio, making an eerie light in the darkness. I shoved my arm into the crack of the door to feel the familiar feeling of a light switch. I flicked it on, immediately the darkness going away.  I carefully slipped into the doorway,  tip toeing my way to the kitchen island. Ahhh, Home. I set my keys carefully on the counter along with my small purse, the smell of coffee and city air filling my senses. I've lived here for about five years, but never really had the time to enjoy and decorate everything. I walked to the balcony door frame and slid the glass door open. Resting my arms on the ridge, I sighed at the dark sky. One day, maybe, i'll have the perfect job where I can decorate all I want, and finally see all my friends again....not that I had much, heh. 

I kept on thinking.

Singing is my true passion, right? It's definitely not running coffee all over town, and it's not acting. Ever since elementary i've had horrible stage fright. I shudder from the memories of corny student plays I had to do. I never performed in front of a live audience, or, god forbid television. but everyone said I have a good voice, and I believe it. But I know I don't have the guts to show it. But think about it! Faye, singing superstar, strutting her stuff on stage! Millions of fans!!! I face palm. Man I have too many dreams.....but I guess they're worth wishing for.

Dream's aside, reality's been a little unfair.

Well, coming from someone who's just been fired. Once you spill one cup of coffee in front of the manager, all hell breaks loose. But don't put all the blame on me, it's not my fault  my boss asks that all trays must carry seven orders at once. my wrist still burns from the spilled black espresso. At least my memory's in check, not everyone can remember a coffee order. a gust of wind blew past me and I shivered. I guess it's time to turn in for the night anyways. I left my balcony, closing the door behind me with care as I pulled the blinds. I went to my room and looked in the mirror at the thin, dirty blonde young women staring back at me. Her uniform was stained and her eyes were blue. Her slightly tanned skin was freckled randomly, grouping together on her forearms. Oof, I need to get out of the sun. I kicked off my shoes and collapsed onto my bed,  feeling a cold something touching my thigh. I sit up and see it was my old friend, my laptop. I open it and see a notification in the corner. Clicking on it once it sent me to a site of a job offer, saying in bold, 'Help wanted at Juvi's studio, hiring coffee runners and  computer editors.'    Well then.

I guess i've finally hit my lucky streak.

(HI THERE! So, I have a couple of things to say before letting you go. My first book, ( that is still continuing, just hit writer's block) Blood Moon, is probably going to be the only undertale-verse book I will write. Ever. Unless I get a big inspiration by a comment, ( hint, hint, wink , wink) I won't be doing much. But yeah, it's been fun undertale, but I need some more ideas. Sorry.     See ya!)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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