Caelan De Jong

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•From Europe ((mainly the Netherlands))

•Main languages he speaks is English. Though knows Dutch and Spanish


•Age is 24

•Is known to be a plague doctor

•Personality: Although mainly silent, uncertain of many things and anxious, knows what he is doing when it comes to his job.

•Has the ability to sense and tap into certain diseases to either inflict them upon an individual or take it away with ease by consuming it ((not literally more like spiritually and whatnot)). This is apparently the same with toxins or chemicals. Making him immune or unfazed by said diseases , toxins or chemicals.

•Consequences of his power however is that it makes him more drastically prone to common illness, which if fallen very ill he can be affected by the diseases, toxins or chemicals he has consumed. Or, instead another consequence is that the toxins and such he has consumed seemingly can seep out of his aura unknowingly if either taking in too much or is simply unaware. 

•He can't stand the daylight, afternoon, nighttime , practically the general public if he is not in attire above.

•Speaking of his attire and overall appearance, he literally shows not one inch of skin anywhere. Hands, legs, arms, hands, face, feet? Nope. Small tucks of his hair can be possibly seen. Maybe even his full hair style if lucky. But skin? Nah fam.

•Hair seems to be shaggy naturally. But slicks it back most often due to his attire.

•His cane has been modified to also function as an umbrella or weapon if needed be.

•Butterflies are oddly his greatest companion, well, other than ravens

•People scare this man if getting too close in his personal bubble

•Take a milistep towards this man without warning and he just backs away like "nopenopenopenopenope"

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