Chapter 2

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Once my dad came home from "work" a.k.a. the bar, he started yelling at me. he called me 'worthless' 'slut' 'whore'... the list goes on.i started to believe him, so I ran upstairs and pulled out Rosie. My best friend. I slid her across my wrist three times.

Right when I was starting to get cleaned up, I heard the front door open.

Cameron was here.

As I walked down the status I went into the kitchens to be greeted by Cameron, who looked like he didn't ever recognise me.

"Sophia?" he asked. I nodded.

He ran up to me and hugged me really tight.

"Can't... breath" I managed to choke out.

"Sorry" he said letting go of me. " You look so different"

" We'll you have been gone for a year" I said getting a little mad, but I don't think he noticed.

"I know I missed you soo much"

"I missed you too" I said starting to cry a little.

"Please don't cry" he said wiping my tears away. "Now how about you go upstairs and pack your stuff"

"For what?" I asked confused

"Your coming to magcon with me" he said like it was nothing.

"Really!?!?!?" I said getting excited.

"Yeah, now go pack"


Once I walked up to my room I started to pack what I had, which wasn't much. my dad didn't even give me money for food, why would he bother giving me money for clothes. I mean it's not like you need them or anything .

I only had two pairs of jeans, three pairs of leggings, five long sleeve shirts, and a few sweaters. I also made sure to get all my toiletries, not forgetting Rosie.

I also packed my flip flops and my boots. their was still a lot of room in my bag, but I had nothing more to put into it, so I just put my favorite stuffed animal of mine. Its a bunny that Cameron won me at a fair.

As I started to walk down the stairs with my bag, Cameron saw me and came up to help me.

"I have arms you know" I said not wanting him to carry my stuff.

"Yeah, but I wanna help my little sissy" he said in a little kid voice. I rolled my eyes and went to the car.

The ride to the airport was silent. Their was nothing to really talk about, but I didn't care, I was just happy I finally got to see him.

Once we went through security, we got onto the plane and got ready for the eight hour flight.

I guess I fell asleep after we took off because I woke up to Cameron shaking me to get up.

"Were about to land" he said.i couldn't wait this was the first time I was going out of the state.

" Excited for magcon?" Cameron asked me.

"Yeah!" I said. "Who wouldn't be?"

"Touché" he said, just as the plane landed.

When we got to the baggage claim, we were met by two boys. one looked Cameron's age, the other one looked my age. I won't lie, he was really cute, but he would never like me. Sigh.

"Cameron!" the tall one with bright blue eyes kinda like mine said, running up to Cameron. " who's this?" he said looking at me confused.

"Nash meet my little sister Sophia, Sophia meet Nash." Cameron said.

"Nice to meet you Sophia," Nash said, " this is my little brother Hayes" Nash said pointing to the cute kid.

"Hi" I said shyly.

"Hi" he said politely back.

"Let's go to the hotel to meet the others and Bart" Nash said.

"How many people are in magcon?" I asked Cameron once we were in the taxi.

"9" he said. I nodded, so he didn't think I was ignoring him. I HATE meeting people, so this will be fun. *please note the sarcasm**mental eye roll*

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