Day Two

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Here I am, lying in bed for the past 5 hours, unable to fall back asleep. I couldn't get the boy from yesterday out of my head. I do admit, however, he was quite good looking, but he just wouldn't understand. Also, I'm completely positive I'd never see that blue-eyed boy ever again, thank heavens. 

Deciding it was completely and utterly impossible for me to fall asleep at this time, I decided to get up and take a nice long shower. 

Leaving the shower, cold gusts of air cascaded all over me, sending shivers running down my back. I quickly got dressed in very comfy sweats, not caring of the fact that I looked like a complete slob, grabbed my bag, and made my way out my apartment. I did my everyday smile and wave towards the receptionist and left the building. 

I untangled my earphones, and placed them in my ears, and in no time I arrived at the coffee shop. Walking through the door I was greeted with the lovely smells of muffins, bagels, and amazing coffee. I made my way towards the usual table I sat, and I literally felt my jaw drop at the sight of the boy from yesterday. He was sat by himself, eating a blueberry muffin, with what I assume was a mocha latte. 

He was concentrated on his phone, and I slowly crept towards the table, so he wouldn't notice me. However, I failed. One step, and he shot out of his seat and looked at me. He put his hand to his chest and started taking deep breaths. He said something which I couldn't hear, so I just shyly smiled at him and took my seat, which unluckily, was beside him.

I noticed the same waitress as yesterday approaching me as I quickly jotted down the same order as yesterday, handing it to her, and she smiled and took it. I took out my journal, and before I could write anything, a post it note was placed on the page. 

'What are you listening to?,' it read in a very neat, blue sharpie-d handwriting. I looked up to see the boy and he was referring to my earphones as he placed a stack of yellow post it notes for me to write back to him.

Shyly, I took the post its, grabbing my red sharpie, I wrote 'A special song.' and placed it on the bench that we shared next to his thigh and put the stack there as well. 

'Can I listen to it?,' the yellow post it note read, at this my eyes widened and I quickly grabbed the stack and scribbled down, 'No, I'm embarrassed.' I clearly knew he wouldn't understand, so I drew a slight smiley face before giving it to him. 

'It's fine, no worries. I'm Ryan, you?' smiling, I picked up the post it, scribbling down my name and quickly returned it to him.

Awaiting for his reply, the waitress came with my order, and I looked up at her with a smile and she placed it on my table. Biting into my usual cream cheese bagel, I completely forgot about Ryan and the note passing. I was brought back into reality as he placed the post it note on my arm, 'Is that what you always order? Cream cheese bagel w/ hot choco & marshmellows?'  Laughing I turned to him and smiled sheepishly. Writing back to him, I couldn't help but correct him about how he spelled marshmallows, I'm a grammar nazi, sorry. 

We continued to write back and forth, getting to know each other, of our favorite movies, songs, artists, and usual things you'd ask. This continued on for about half an hour when I realized that I had to go soon, and he realized it as well. 

'I'd like to see you again. Can I have your number?' he placed the post it down and I couldn't help but panic, sure I had a phone, but I didn't have a number, I used the phone as an iPod, so no texts and calls for me. 'I don't have one.'

"Really? That's a terrible lie,' he wrote, ending it with a wink face. 

I then suggested meeting here once again tomorrow, which he gladly agreed to. Smiling at him one last time, I got up and made my way out the door. 

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