"Warlocks usually require payment before they help anyone with anything."

I look at Jace and turn my attention from him to Alec "Word from the clave is that most of the warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them."

"Can you blame them? Valentines psychotic"

"Valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn.." he pauses as his rune sear burning his neck "hodge, your rune. You okay? So how do we find Magnus?" Octavia jumps to her feet and helps hodge by checking his neck.

"We don't. Magnus finds us. We'll set up a meeting, somewhere protected. Lure him out of hiding" Isabelle smirks "and I know exactly where we do it."

I catch her eye and smirk getting off the table Hodge laughs as the image pops up "A Downworld rave, nice Izzy" Octavia laughs "more importantly my old stomping ground" she winks at Isabelle and sits down again.

"And where'd you get that?" Alec asks bored and obviously tired "During my surveillance of the Downworlders. From what I hear, Magnus likes to party." Alec leans forward his hand touching Octavia's lower back "He'll never go for it. Not with Valentine trying to kill him."

"Of course he will. He'll blend in. Hide in plain sight."

"I don't know, it seems.."

"Trust me. If Magnus is coming out of hiding, he's going to one of the biggest parties of the year." Hodge agrees with Isabelle "Never underestimate Magnus' hedonism. Or his greed. Come with me."

They follow him into the training room where he traces a rune on the floor, which opens a hidden compartment "is that real?"

"A four-Karat, unseated Burmese ruby. And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt"

"What, Camille and Magnus were lovers?" Octavia asks shocked "Warlock gets around." Jace smirks staring at Clary making Octavia gag.

"Magnus bought it in 1857 for the price of his London townhouse. Now, the jewel is enchanted by a spell that alerts the wearer to the presence of demons."

Isabelle puts it delicately in the palm of her hand "it's so beautiful"

"Magnus has longed to reunite with his Necklace. Offer it to him. He might just take the bait."

Jace walks away "I'll send Magnus a fire message to arrange the meeting. We have to get to Magnus before Valentine does"

Octavia smirks and turns to Alec offering him her hand "Come now, we need to choose you an outfit" he groans following her.

After a literal hour of searching she finally pulls out a reasonable shirt "here change into this" she passes him the shirt and sits on his bed waiting for him to change. Her mouth drops open when he takes off his shirt infront of her and puts it on "Alec...have you found an outfit?" Izzy calls walking in but stops in her track when she sees her parabatai sitting in his bed.

"Honey your drooling!" Octavias face flushes red as she scrambled to her feet "I'm going to change" she quickly ran out not looking back and into her room she opened a secret part of her closet and found a dress "hmm, looks good enough"

"Honey your drooling!" Octavias face flushes red as she scrambled to her feet "I'm going to change" she quickly ran out not looking back and into her room she opened a secret part of her closet and found a dress "hmm, looks good enough"

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