chapter 6

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-4 years later- (I know I'm skipping really far but just trust me.....)

I can't believe it's been 4 years since me and Janet has made it official. I'm walking around this ring shop looking for the perfect ring for her, I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Just then I found the most stunning ring ever

I quickly bought it and go home and plan a romantic trip for the both of us. Surprisingly I got a ticket to go to cancoone at a short amount of time.

-the next morning-

"Wake up!" I said throwing a pillow on janets face.

"Ugggghhhh. I don't wanna get up" Janet wined

"We gotta get up or else we are gonna miss our flight!"

"What flight?"

"We are going on vacation. Now get up!"

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise. I already packed for you so you don't need to worry about that" I said bopping her nose

She got up and started walking in the bathroom. "Aren't you gonna join me?"

"Nope I already took a shower"

She shrugged her shoulders and closed the door.

-the next week-

I can't believe she said yes to my proposal! All of a sudden I hear something about Michael on the television

"Michael Jackson the king of pop has reportedly passed away this afternoon in his home in Santa barbara"

I put my hand over my mouth of full disbelief and shock. Soon after my phone rang I answered by the second ring.


"Jan I heard you need to come home now"

"I'm going to the airport right now"

"Ok just be careful"

"I will"

A couple hours later Janet came in the house with the most saddest face I have ever seen.

"You ok?"

She shook her head no and hugged me then broke down crying. "Oh jan"

We sat down on the couch. It took a while for Janet to get her self back together which I completely understand. She was so close to Michael it was like they were the same person. They looked so much a like, they had the same humor, they're both so caring and the kindest people you will ever meet. It's sad that some people took advantage of that, it's hard for Janet to meet new people and earn there trust.

"What're you thinking about?" Janet asked

"You" I simply said. She smiled at me. God I love that smile, I always hate seeing her upset or crying she's to perfect to be like that, she deserves anything and everything and I'm willing to do that.

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