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You slowly woke up, slightly in a haze. You tried moving but something held you in it's strong grasp. Panic started to overwhelm you, you lived alone from what you remember. Then the events of last night popped back into your mind. Slowing down, you looked around. All you could see was black, realizing you were pressed against something you moved your head up to be met face VERY CLOSE first with Jefferson. 

In the process of turning into a strawberry you fell once again. ( good for u ) Holding your head you looked up again to have 9 males surrounding you, as if they were waiting for you to wake up. Other then Jefferson who you were VERY aware of at this point you were starting to recognize the others.


John Laurens,


Gorge Washingda- ton,




and James Madison.

Being surrounded by your actual idols, you had been so red. The men were giving you worried looks, you figured they thought you were sick or something.

" U-uh, Howdy... " You managed to stutter. Seeing you were fine and hearing your voice they all started smiling, which creeped you out.

You sat up, " To start, who are all of you? Why are you in my house? And how'd you get this far into the country side of Kentucky? " You questioned them, knowing one of the answer but you had to ask to keep them unsuspecting of your fangirl side. ( Yeah you live in Kentucky, fight me )

(( EHEM - ANYTHiNg frEnch WILl BE UnDerlinED bEcaUSe I Don'T WAnt tO deaL wITh GOOGlE TRAnslATE aNd ik YOU doN't EiThEr please and thank you )) ( Doesn't mean it'll happen this chapter tho, cuz it doesn't. )

Phillip was the one to speak up. " Uh, miss well.... My name is Phillip. The others are Jefferson, Alexander, James Madison, Burr, Gorge Washington, Lafayette, John Laurens, and Hercules. " He started pointing at each person while naming them.

He continues, " As for the other questions, we know as much as you in this situation. " He'd stare at the ground, almost as if he was in trouble for not knowing. Feeling pity for the cinnamon roll, you started to rub his back while looking at the others for a response.

" Yeah that's basically it.. " Burr stated. You nodded and scanned the area, planning out a few things like if they were to stay, where they'd sleep. 

You decided afterwards to break the silence. " Y 'all need clothes. We're going shopping, but only one of you are coming with me. " They all looked at you and each other with daring intent in their eyes. They all jumped up begging to go with you, over whelmed with all the sudden attention you decided on drawing for a hat. You put everyone's name in and drew,

' Madison '

Looking up with a blank face, you looked at the eager men. " It's Madison. C'mon, hurry up before the place closes. " Signally for him to follow he got up. You saw the jealousy in everyone else's eyes but paid no mind.

You both walked out and got into the car and had a fun time explaining the radio to him on the way. 

The mall you were at was a normal one, big place with a lot of small stores.  You walked into one of the clothing stores, Madison not far behind you as he was a lost child. The store was really packed that day, but you never questioned the situations that you were in.

You were having trouble finding what you need and so was Madison. You both agreed to try the next store but right as you were turning you froze.

- BANG -

Madison and you looked at each other, fear in your eyes. People started screaming and running, trying to get of the store or trying to get in for shelter. Since it was packed you both couldn't move and Madison held you extremely tight and people shoved him. Panic filled you because of course you didn't want to die.

You were knocked out of your thought as Madison started to move, you still in his grasp. Unfortunately this only caused him to be shoves over. He nearly fell on top of you but it was like he was protecting you, holding himself up. 

As soon as the chance came he got you and himself up and started running to get you out of danger. Once again your path was stopped by shoving and you were pinned to the wall. You braced yourself for the pain of someone running into you, but nothing came. Opening your eyes you saw Madison still over you, taking every push and shove to keep you safe.

The gunshots had slowed down, but they were close. You heard yelling and all the running stopped. You and Madison looked up to find the guns man pointing at the store you were in. He scanned everyone until his eyes landed on you and Madison. 

A devilish grin spread across his face and he pointed right at you. " Come with me. " He simply stated.

You started to take a step out of fear of death but you felt an arm stop you. Madison glared at the man.

'Is he mad?! He'll die!'  you thought to yourself, worried for his safety. 

" So that's how it'll be, eh? " The gun man looked up slowly aiming to Madison. James made no moves, confidence in his eyes.

Right before the trigger would be pulled the man was pinned down to the ground, several police taking care of him. 

You both didn't want to be there any longer, quickly paying for the clothing and leaving. The car ride home was silent.

Everything that happened reflected in your head, remembering what Madison did for you and the positions you both were in... saying you were only blushing would be an under statement. You guessed Madison noticed because he looked worried at you with a little blush on his face himself.

" You ok after that...? " He softly asked. 

" Y-yeah. " You stuttered focusing on the road ahead. You all didn't talk the rest of the way.

Madison's POV 

The events flashed in my mind one after the other. Nothing that happened was planned by me, my body just reacted. I normally don't get that protective and would've cared for myself, so....

What's with her that's different?

You couldn't quiet put your finger on it but thought about it constantly.


Walking into the house you were engulfed with hugs.

" We heard what happened at the mall! are you both alright?! " Washington asked, obviously very concerned. " Yeah we're fine. " You replied not really wanting to talk. Deciding you were tired from all that, you handed the boys their clothes and went upstairs to sleep and pray to wake up from this nightmare.

word count - 1210

Hey 2nd chapter wooooo ik I said I'd work on it later that night but I got started and never finished ;u;. I didn't know what to do with some parts of this but I hope you liked your day with Madison! <3

Anywhooooooooo cya in the next chapter!

- OkamiThePotato has stopped reading

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