They were your closest friends within the squad, aside from Bobby of course, but you tried to make sure your relationship was kept separate from work.

Once you arrived at the scene, your immediate action was getting medical attention to everyone who was already outside of the house. Luckily, not too many people were injured, but a good handful were inside the house when the fire started to spread.

You sat everyone down on the sidewalk across the street and went through treating them, by priority while the rest of the team worked to distinguish the fire.

After the police arrived and all reports had been taken and given, you all made your way back to the firehouse. Another success, and Buck seemed to make a large deal out of the fact that it was the rookie girl's first call, and she got to take out the fire. Of course the rest of you knew he was just trying to be flirtatious.

"(Y/N)!" Buck found you in the locker room towards the end of of your day. "Are you coming to dinner with us? We're celebrating tonight."

"Buck, I'd love to but I can't. Bobby and I have plans."

"What? Bobby said he was going."

"What?" you looked up from the bag you were holding.

"Yeah." Buck gave you a confused look and you left your bag behind as you exited the locker room.

"Bobby?" you found him in the kitchen and waved him over to a private area. "So you made dinner plans?"

"Yeah, I completely forgot to catch you so we could talk about it and- oh." he stopped when he realized why you looked upset.

"Yeah." you raised your eyebrows and crossed your arms. "Look I wouldn't mind going to dinner with the team but I'd like if we were able to talk about it first."

"I know, I know I'm sorry and it just slipped my mind." he paused. "Did you want to go out with the team?"

"No. I wanted to go out with you, but it's okay if you want to go. I'm just too tired." you sighed and strained a smile.

"(Y/N)." Bobby ran his hands up and down your arms.

"No, really it's fine. You can have Howie drive you home, assuming he won't get shitfaced." you chuckled. "I'll take the car."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. We'll just reschedule for tomorrow." you turned around to go back and get your bag. "Oh, and when you get back, you can do the dishes." you gave him a wink and he groaned.

You sat silently for a few minutes in your car before deciding to leave. Yeah, of course you were annoyed, you loved spending time with Bobby and you felt that you didn't get enough time with him, despite being married. Fighting the urge to cry, you pulled out of the parking lot and drove home in silence.

You spent that night watching Netflix, alone on your couch, while Bobby was out. Not even your favorite show could cheer you up. You sighed, having enough of the feeling and went to the bathroom. You told yourself that it was no big deal, and everything would be alright after tonight. But it wasn't.

Bobby continued to make plans after you had requested a date night. He'd go off to help train the new girl because, "I think she has potential to be more." Or he'd show her around town because she was new to the area. You questioned him a few times, letting him know of your thoughts, but it never changed anything. By then you started assuming the worst and was waiting to confront him when he got home. You had cried just at the thought of him cheating on you. You convinced yourself that you were insane and overthink everything, but it was still burning in the back of your mind. You debated with yourself in your head as you paced the living room, when you were interrupted.

"(Y/N)?" Bobby slowly took the key out from the door and walked inside. You looked up at him, wiping your eyes. "Honey what's wrong? What happened?" He rushed over to you, holding your arms. You pulled yourself away out of instinct, keeping a distance.

"Please." you looked to the floor.

"(Y/N)?" he almost sounded offended. "What's going on?"

"That's what I want to ask you."

"What do you mean?" you tilted your head and sighed. You really didn't want to have this conversation.

"Nevermind, it's probably nothi-"

"No it's obviously something so why don't you tell me?" his voice was slightly raised.

"I just want to know what the hell is going on, Bobby. You're gone, a lot of the time. Have you noticed how often we spend time with each other? I sit here, at home, alone, waiting for you damn near every night."

"I've invited you with me every time I go out."

"That's not what this is about. We made plans, and you override them with whatever invitation we get. Every. Single. Time. I love hanging out with the team don't get me wrong, but you're different when we're with them. Because we kept these two lives separate. And now it seems that work is taking over."

"(Y/N). It's not taking over, it's hardly work. It's social outings."

"Which you never used to like! I always make time for you. It just seems you can't do the same, and I know that's not like you and I can't help but think.." you stopped and laughed to yourself in disbelief.

"What? You can't help but think what? That I'm cheating? Is that what?"

"Yes! Okay? Is that what you want to hear?"

"I want to hear what you're thinking!"

"That is what I'm thinking Bobby, so answer the damn question. Are you?"

"No! I haven't, I'm not, and I won't."

"Okay then." you whispered and the heat seemed to leave your body as you let out a large breath.

"Do you not trust me?"

"No I do, I just feel like I'm losing you." you crossed your arms and sat on the couch.

"I'm sorry sweetheart." Bobby sighed and sat next to you, bringing your head to his chest. "I'm so, so sorry."

"I just want you back, Bobby."

"And you've got me back. From now on. And you know what? We can go out right now." he said and wrapped his arms around you.

"It's nearly midnight!" you chuckled.

"And? C'mon, let's go." he stood up, bringing you with him. "That hole-in-the-wall place you've been wanting to try is open 24/7." he smiled.

"Who are you and what have you done with my Bobby Nash?" you smiled childishly and went to grab the nearest pair of shoes to you. "I guess we're going out then."

"Yes." he said and wrapped his arm around you like he had done many times before. "And I promise, we will get more time together. And I'm sure Buck will be fine helping our rookie out if she needs it." he chuckled. You turned to him, smiling.

"Thank you Bobby, I love you." you wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed tightly.

"I love you too sweetheart." he kissed your head. "C'mon let's go."


Request: Can you make it that bobby has a wife who is also a firefighter. But one day a new firefighter partner is paired with Bobby and both of them become close until bobby doesn't have time for his wife 

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