Chapter One

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A small, slightly chubby girl wandered the streets of Sunagakure. To most adults, she looked like any normal kid. A normal kid with a loving and caring famly waiting at home. But the girl had no home. She had no family. The only thing she called family was a dirty and tattered stuffed rabbit she called Usa-chan. (A/N Hehe can anyone guess where I got Usa-chan from?)

As the young girl walked with her rabbit, she came upon the park, a place she went frequently. But today was different. There was another person there, sitting on the swings. A red haired boy, to be exact. The girl was curious as to who he was, and sensing that he seemed a bit down, she wanted to go comfort him.

"Hey there! My name is Fuyumi Fuji. What's your name?"

The boy looked up, and simply stared at her, confused about something.

"Why-why aren't you afraid of me? Am I not scary to you?" The girl just looked at him, holding her Usa-chan.

"Should you be scary? To me, you're cute! But why do you seem sad?" His eyes widened a bit.

"All the other kids fear me. All the adults fear me too. They throw rocks at me, but I neve get hurt. Why? Because I'm cursed.... And my name is Gaara..."

"I like your name! Gaara sounds nice. And you'll never be scary to me, Gaara-kun!"

"Why? Why aren't you scared?! I'm a monster! Everyone says so and they look at me with hate!"

"I'll never be scared of you because you're my friend. And friends stick together, always. Even if you are a monster, you'll still be my friend." And with that, little Fuyumi hugged Gaara. Gaara was still for a while, until he hugged her back. He felt happy in a long time. He had his first friend. He vowed to protect her and to be by her side forever always, as a friend should.


Fuyumi and Gaara went everywhere together. They did everything together, and played together. It's been about four months since they met, and they are inseperable. One day, Gaara asked her where she lived, and if her family missed her when she's with him.

Fuyumi simply stated that she had no family. She was abandoned and lived on the streets, stealing food whenver she can to stay alive. Gaara, feeling sad because Fuyumi felt sad, hugged her to comfort her. He asked her if she wanted to stay with him.

Gaara knew that his older siblings wouldn't object, seeing as they are afraid of him. Fuyumi agreed quite happily, and the two went back to playing with the sand.


Two years passed and now both Fuyumi and Gaara are six years old. Today's their first day of the ninja academy. As Fuyumi dragged Gaara to school, the other kids whispered about Gaara, giving him glares and making nasty remarks. Fuyumi, having had enough of all the bad treatment towards Gaara, yelled at everyone to shut up and gave them the middle finger. Gaara whispered his thanks, and Fuyumi nodded, taking hold of his hand again.

As days passed Fuyumi and Gaara atted school, trained, and played together. But one night, Gaara didn't come home. Fuyumi was worried, and went off to search for him. She eventually found Gaara at the park, crying his eyes out.

It turned out that Yashamaru, Gaara's uncle, tried to kill him. Fuyumi knew his uncle as a kind and caring adult towards Gaara, but didn't know that he would try to do something like this. Fuyumi immediately tried to comfort Gaara, but he pushed her away. He got unstable and his sand hit her, in an attempt to get away. Blood began dripping out from her cut, and Fuyumi was in pain, tears pouring out. At seeing this, Gaara apologised again and again, afraid to lose his only friend Fuyumi.

She gathered all of her strength and courage to stop crying, and weakly said to Gaara, "It's all right... You didn't hurt me... I'm fine Gaara, no need to worry..."

It was at that special moment that Gaara felt something for Fuyumi. Something above friendship, but he didn't know what it was. He knew, that he had to protect her and kill anyone who would dare to even touch her. He felt possessive, and he was going to keep it that way.

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