Side By Side .. Searching Eye To Eye

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a twig snaps

in the distance

she averts her eyes

a shadow moves

below stone cliffs

a honey blonde haired lady appears

she's nude also

hasn't seen Keoni

lying on warm, stone cliffs

covers her body with palm fronds

the honey blonde haired lady

stretches towards the sun

two .. three quick steps

runs .. dives in

creating a small splash

water ripples .. gently

Keoni sits up

curious about this island visitor

she's never seen before

she sets the palm fronds down

decides to dive in too

surfaces after a few moments

the honey blonde haired lady

is taken by surprise

begins swimming to the other side

Keoni shouts .. wait

i'd love to meet you

to know your name

they both reach the other side

lie on the warm stone cliffs

side by side .. searching eye to eye

Copyright @ July 2014


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