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All Millie wanted a week after the announcement was for the #jillieisoverparty thing to die already.

Once again, the fandom was torn into three- the ones who were celebrating, the ones who were upset, and the ones who didn't give a damn.

Some of the Fillie (honestly Millie didn't even know what to feel about that) shippers posted videos of dancing memes, and some even posted that one video of Finn attempting to dance.

"Gotta admit, that's hilarious!" Noah laughed, pointing at Millie's phone. They were in Millie and Finn's shared trailer, where they decided to hang out after shooting a scene together.

"How long were you watching me scroll through my phone?" Millie said, hiding her phone from his view.

"Since you opened it and stopped paying attention to what I was saying?"


"What?" Noah chuckled. "Is it because of the breakup thing? Come on, Millster, you didn't really think you'd last, did you?"

Millie gave him a look.

"Dang, you really did, didn't you?"

"I know it sounds stupid. But that's just me. Always believing in stupid fantasies just to get slapped in the face with the truth."

"The truth you've been denying for months?"

"What do you mean?"

"Millie. Seriously? First, he cheated on you-"

"That was fake, Noah."

"-asked girls to send 'nudes'-"

"Again, fake."

"So him liking posts with vile messages isn't something you should consider?" Noah snapped. Millie would've laughed at the pun she'd thought of, if she wasn't so emotional already.

"Come on, what can liking posts mean?"

"He didn't unlike them. He knew it was going to spread. He let it happen."

"I don't know, Noah, I myself am confused." Millie said.

"Exactly how?"

"Why you guys couldn't be happy for me the same way you were happy for Gaten and Liz." she squeaked. "Jacob loved me! He just doesn't seem like it, but deep down-"

"The difference is that Liz is actually a nice person and she's not problematic." Noah said, shrugging.

"Ugh. We broke up already, okay, you happy?"

"No, Millie, the question is, are you happy?"

Millie didn't answer.

"And...does your breakup mean that you can take pictures with your costar and say that you love him as a friend without someone getting jealous?"

"What? Noah, that was because of the fillie shippers-"

"Are you sure? Mills, come on. You know deep down you're not entirely against Fillie." Noah said. "If you really wouldn't have given them fuel at the comic con we did together."

"I couldn't help it, okay?"

"He's hurt. You know."


"Finn." Noah said, fixing his hair in front of the mirror.

"Why would he be hurt?" Millie said. "That's Finn you're talking about. He doesn't care what other people say."

"Yet you're not in the other people classification, so technically he cares about what you say." Noah said.

"Why is he hurt? Spit it out, Schnipper."

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