Chapter 1: The begining

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{Your POV:}

,,Good Morning, Princess (Y/N)"

,,Hello, Princess (Y/N)"

,,Princess (Y/N), have a nice Day!"

Princess (Y/N) here, Princess (Y/N) there. ARGH! I hate it. Okay, I don't hate it, I don't like it at all. Since Rapunzel returned I can't go outside the Castle and visit the village WITHOUT 1.000.000 gurads following me. Cassandra is my Bodyguard and I am glad to have her by my side. Today I wanted to go towntown without her, because she has to help Raps with her stuff. But gladly I know a secret tunnel,that will sneak me out the castle. But I have to wait until Raps and Drama king(Eugene) will return home.
I sat down on my bed with my chemistry book. I love to study chemistry. It always fascinated me. All those elements and different combinations can create so many wonderful things!
I looked out the window. ,Is there someone my age who loves chemistry or alchemy too? I highly doubt it.' I sighed and began to study. Mom and Dad are glad that I have something that I could spend Hours on. But they don't like when I make experiments, especially when they are dangerous. Mom loves to help me. She is always so excited,when it comes to mixing some things up.

As soon as I heard horses, I stood up and saw Raps, Eugene with Max and Fidella. , Oh, they've returned. Finally!' I put my cape on and left my room carefully and quiet. As soon as I stepped outside the castle into the garden my mouth opened wide in shock. At the gade were countless guards! How am I supposed to get through now?
But then I remembered: ,I can go trough the bushes. I've made a passage. Perfect!' I smiled to myself and ran to the bushes,hoping nobody saw me. I slipped trough and ran into the village. Making sure,no guard was there I pulled my hood off and sighed in relief. So many people were on the streets. Everyone was so happy and busy to prepare their part for Rapunzel's Coronation. My gaze followed a little child running into Uncle Monty's Sweet shop. I entered the shop and a small bell over the door rang. ,Wow, so many children! Lets see what he has.' I saw Uncle Monty and walked to him: ,,Hi Uncle Monty! Nice to see you." , I said with a smile. He turned around and smiled: ,,Princess (Y/N), I'm happy to see you too. How's it going?". ,,I'm fine. So many children today,huh? Is today something special? I haven't seen so many children in your shop since my Birthday." , I looked around. ,,No, today is nothing important. I just used a new candy recipe. Do you want some,dear?" , He gave me a small box with candy. ,,It's on me.", uncle Monty smiled and I grinned ,,Thank you very much. I have to go now. Its my first day without any guards. Bye!" I waved him. ,,Okay,bye! Be carefull though!" ,,I will be,don't worry!" I closed the door and opend the box with candy. Uncle Monty knew, how much I love alchemy and sience. He made me a box of crystal candy. I smiled and I ate one. YUMMY!! Suddenly I saw a raccon. He jumped on my shoulder and sniffled the candy I was holding in my hand. ,,Oh,you want some too little guy? Here.", I gave him one crystal and the raccoon started licking it. His tail tickeled my nose and it made me chuckle. Then I saw a boy. He was about 14 or 15. My age. ,,RUDIGER! RUDIGER WHERE ARE YOU?!", he yelled. ,,URGH, stupid raccon." I was running up to him,wanted to put my box with candy in my pocket, but I crashed into the boy. ,,Ow! Sorry!" , I apologized. The boy saw me and helped me up. ,,No, I'm sorry. You aren't hurt,are you?", he asked concerned. ,,I'm fine, thanks. I heard, you are searching your pet.", I put the raccon, Rudiger I guess, on the boys shoulder. ,,I think, he is yours." ,,Oh, Rudiger! Thank you, ehm..." ,,The name's (Y/N). What's yours?" ,,Wait, PRINCESS (Y/N)?! Oh, I am so sorry your Highn-" I panicked and almost slammed my hand against his mouth. ,,Listen, nobody must know I am here. ALONE. Understood?" He nodded. I realized that my hand still covered his mouth. ,,uhm,... Sorry, uhm..." , He rubbed his neck. ,, Varian. I apologize,again, your Highness." I smiled softly. ,He seems cool. Maybe we could be friends", I hope so. ,,Just (Y/N) please. Your Highness is too much." Varian looked suprised and smiled. ,, Wow, cool. So what are you doing here alone your h- (Y/N)?" ,,I just wanted a little bit time for myself. I don't really have privacy when I'm outside of the castle,you know? Oh, wait! I've go candy. Want some?" I took them from my pocket and opened the box. ,,Sure! Wait, are those crystals? No way!", Varian gasped and took two candys and put them in his mouth. ,,Wait, you like alchemy?" I asked with a little hope. Varian nodded. ,,I LOVE Alchemy! Don't tell me you like alchemy too?!" ,He asked with suprise. ,,It's my LIFE! And I thought I'm the only kid with that kind of interest! Oh my god!" I jumped in joy. Finally I found a friend. ,,Hey Varian, wanna be friends?" I asked with a smile. His eyes widened and he nodded. ,, YAY! Cool!!" ,,So, wanna have some fun? We can go anywhere." ,,Yes, sure! Let's go!"

( stupid Question : ,,Wanna be Friends?" And he be like: ,,Nooo! XD)

Young Love between a Princess and an Alchemist (Varian x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now