Chapter 3

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I'm sorry this has been on the back burner so long, but I've had some recent inspiration upon reading Lord of the Rings for the first time (I know), so hopefully I can get some movement going back on this longer series and potentially even finish it.

Serena grew quickly, looked after and adored by everyone, even her brothers, even if they did give her hell at times.

Dis, much to Thorin's annoyance, would tell anyone who listened how alike she was to him.

"I'm sure she doesn't need that hanging over her Dis," Thorin growled at her one day.  "She is a child and of her own nature."

Dis smirks.  "While Thrain may have inherited your escaping nature, the princess has definitely inherited everything else, including her seeming desire to run around without clothes."

Thorin would have argued more had Selene not broken into giggles, bouncing Serena on her knee, who was quick to join her mothers giggles, leaving Thorin grumbling.

Serena though, much like her brothers before her, had a nature for exploring.  Her brothers loved showing her all the places they had found, although often with stern warnings from Thorin and Selene to be careful.  It didn't stop any of the young Durin's though, who were often caught doing something they shouldn't.

The only time that Serena really whinged was when her brothers were being trained by Selene in their wolf forms, wanting to join them, but someone always seeming to be around when she tried to follow after them.  Serena, much like Thorn, had shown no fear of Selene when she showed her her wolf form, in fact, her blue eyes had been wide with wonder and she had practically sunk into Selene's side, but the fact that she couldn't be out there with them yet was hard.

"Can't I watch?"  Serena would often ask.

Thorin, who was usually the one to keep her away, would kiss the top of her head.  "Not yet little wolf, when you are older."

"I'm older than yesterday."

He would always chuckle at this, but shake his head.  "Yes, but you're not quite there yet.  When you are older enough, I won't stop you, I promise."

However, Serena's fifth birthday came and went, leaving Selene more than worried that her littlw girl didn't share the gift.

"We always knew that there would be a chance Selene," Thorin said quietly to her one night, the children in bed, Selene pacing their room.  "Even Beorn told us it was a possibility."

Selene's sighs, but her pacing doesn't stop.  "I know Thorin, but it feels wrong that she hasn't turned yet.  She is so accepting of our wolf natures and listens intently whenever I discuss it with the boys, that I...I had never had a doubt before."

Thorin steps forward and takes her arm carefully, making her stop, his gaze gentle as she meets his gaze.  "We still have just under a year, it was always between five and six, please, don't worry so much."

"How do I tell her if it doesn't happen Thorin?"  Selene's voice was quiet, scared.  "How do I break her heart like that."

He pulls her to him and kisses her chastely, resting his forehead against hers.  "If it comes to that, we will do it together."

While a little eased by Thorin's words, Selene still sent several messages back and forth to Beorn, who assured her much the same.  The final word though was that, due to her own Alpha blood, he would be very surprised if any child she produced would not be a skin changer.

This all meant little to Serena, who seemed to get more and more down each day that nothing happened, even her brothers stirring (although carefully avoiding the subject) would do little to improve her mood.

Blackfoot 2: BloodlineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora