1. Coffee shops and latops

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My head was pounding and my legs were asleep after a twelve hour bumpy flight from Thailand to England. All I wanted was a mug of tea, not enjoying the taste of coffee, tea was my go to relaxation drug.

I waved down a taxi and told the driver to take me to the nearest coffee shop.

I thanked the driver handing him a wad of cash while stepping out of the yellow cab.

As I stood in line waiting to order I looked around and and noticed the theme of the cafe was boho. It reminded me of my recent travels to India. I was there taking pictures for my job at National Geographic as a photographer.

I sipped my warm tea as I clicked through the photos I had taken in Thailand. I was staring at a picture of a sunset over the Andaman Sea when a male voice interrupted my deep pondering of the photograph.

"That's amazing! Did you take it?"

"Yes, thank you." I nodded, turning around to see who the voice belonged to. It was a familiar face but I didn't know why because I didn't recall meeting this person before. He had brown thick hair and eyes to match, a define jawline and plump lips spread with a wide smile.

"Wow it's beautiful!" The mystery man exclaimed. I smiled thanking him again.

As he started to speak once more he was bumped and spilled the coffee in his hands all over my laptop! I gasped backing away as the boiling liquid dripped off the table.

"I AM SO SORRY!" The man pleaded as I grew with anger. He ran to the back of the shop and grabbed as many paper towels he could hold. Telling me he would clean it up and that it was all his fault, he wiped the mess up.

"I didn't catch your name." I said as I threw away the last of the coffee soaked paper towels. "Cameron Dallas." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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