One - Tardy

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I woke up with my dad violently shaking me by the leg.

               “Hey! Wake up, kiddo. You don’t want to miss your first day of college!” He says in his deep voice.

               “Ok, dad. I’m getting up.”

               I sit up and let out a groan. I hated school. All of the teachers had bad breath and always had it out for me, it seemed. I could only imagine college would be worse. I had no friends except for one.

Renee has been my best friend since 7th grade and we did everything together. We’re like sisters and nothing could separate us.

               She is girl next door pretty. She has thick mousey brown hair and big brown eyes. I love her to death and always defended her when someone messed with her. She couldn’t really defend herself. She’s afraid of confrontation and clams up when someone tries to bully her.

               I let out another heavy sigh and stand up, staggering out of my room while tripping over the mess on my floor. I really should clean it, but whatever. I walk over to the bathroom and stub my toe on the door facing and yelp out in pain.

               “Ah! Mother fu..”

               “Mouth, young lady.” I hear my dad yell from the kitchen.

               I ignore him and shut the bathroom door behind me. I look in the mirror and see that my bright red hair is a mess. Of course that wasn’t my natural color. I was always changing the color of my hair.

               Mascara is smeared under my green eyes, which I wipe off with my index finger. I look down at my body and poke my stomach and think to myself ‘I should probably work out more often’. I’ve always had a little extra meat on my bones, but as puberty hit, my body gained its curves and I wasn’t so displeased with how my figure looked. Though, I wasn’t as skinny as most of the girls at my school. Oh well, meat is for men, bones are for dogs, right? I chuckle to myself as I think my only relationship was with some asshole that was a ‘virgin chaser’. Once he got what he wanted, he was done with me, and threw me out like the morning trash.

               I strip from my night clothes and turn on the shower, making sure the water is cold. My parents never let me drink coffee so I needed something to wake me up. I step in the shower and gasp as the cold water hit my body and took my breath away.

               Once I was awake enough from the glacial tirade of water, I turned the heat on a little and scrubbed up.

               I step out of the shower. No, I fall out of the shower with a hard ‘thud’ on the white laminate flooring as the shower curtain and rod comes crashing down with me.. My dad comes barging into the bathroom.

               “Sweetie, are you alright?” He says with panic in his voice.

               I look up in horror.

               “Dad, get out!” I shriek.

               He runs out of the bathroom and closes the door.

               “Sorry, are you ok?” He says through the door.

               “Yes, I’m fine.” I reply and I hear the footsteps of him going back down the hall.

               I let out a sigh of disgust and haul myself off the floor. Grabbing a towel, I dry myself off and then wrap it around me. I walk back into my room and grab a pair of jeans, a black tank top and get dressed. I don’t bother putting any panties or bra on today. It’s the first day of school and I want to be comfortable. No one should notice, right? I feel relief because I no longer have to wear that dreaded Catholic school uniform.

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