As I look up at my uncle, I catch a grin as well. "Runs in the family, doesn't it." He chuckles.

My aunt and uncle head off in the direction of my wife, while Raleigh and Elleana stay behind. "What is the plan, brother?" Raleigh asks, coming to stand beside me as I look at the map of Sarkin on a makeshift table.

How could I tell him that I didn't have a plan? I am the King of Sarkin, being invaded by rebels and I have absolutely no idea what to do. All my life I have wanted to control everything, but somethings can't be controlled. I look at my brother for a long second until he meets my gaze with the same blue eyes as our mother. "What do you think we should do, brother?" Raleigh has been in more battles than I ever have. I can't do this all on my own. I need help, and it starts right here and right now. Brother to brother.


King Rory Fairmore

Imperial City, Vrinian

The details...I have to give my future wife credit. All of the wedding celebration details she has been handling, and doing so well, I might mistake her for a professional. I sit at the long table, my chin resting in my hand, elbow pointed on the table, staring at her as servants rush to her for answers. She calmly answers and sends each away, while still managing to eat something. She catches me starting and blushes. "What?"

"Nothing." I answer, dropping my hand onto the table with a grin. She raises an eyebrow at me in question. "You are really pretty." I answer in a cheesy way. She scrunches her nose at me in a mocking way and eats the grape at the end of her fork. "I am serious. You are handling all this so very well. I was afraid it would be too much."

"What this?" Lyana motions to the chaos swarming us. "This is nothing. You should have seen the orphanage I was raised in." Her voice drops for a while and I can feel her spirits lessen, thinking back on the past.

"You are here now. The past is the past." I reach across the table and take her hand. "Think back only on the good memories, and not the bad, love." I suggest and her blue eyes meet mine with a grateful look.

"How is it I landed the affection of the most handsome, most eligible young bachelor in the realm?" She questions, her eyes shining.

I sit up straighter in my chair, adjusting my tunic with mock pride. "Yes, well...It was very difficult."

Lyana places a hand over her heart like I had seen many girls in the village do when they swoon over me. I don't know why. "And he is modest." Her voice is soft and playful, but full of heavy sarcasm. She sighs. "Be still my beating heart." I laugh and she giggles as well.

We fall back into the morning routine, continuing with breakfast for a while until she looks at the vacant other chairs. "Where is your mother?"

"In her research place, no doubt." I hadn't seen her since she gave me the ring that I gave to Lyana. I wasn't worried though. She has always been distant, off in the background somewhere. I had thought, with the wedding being in three days, she might actually appear and help with some of it.

The doors of the room burst open and Tobias comes rushing in. "My King. We are under attack." The playfulness leaves the room and a state of seriousness sets in. Lyana stands up and runs to my side, reading to take on anything, together, as always. "I must get you two to safety."

"To late for that." A foreign voice fills the hall as two figures round the corner where Tobias had entered. Several rebel soldiers follow a moment later. My own guards draw their weapons, awaiting their orders.

"How dare you come here!" I shout at them. Tobias is at my side in an instant, sword in hand; ready to give his life to protect me. I take in the two rebels in the lead, both having a higher rank look about them. One was older, frailer looking, while the other was around my age, or a few years ahead, and bigger in size. Both of them share the same blond hair and blue eyes, family resemblance. I look to the older one, taking in every detail and realize I know him. "I know you. You are Roland Castian."

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