Chapter 4

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As I fly through the stormy skies, I can't shake the feeling of someone following. After looking back repeatedly and almost crashing twice, I have confirmed that I am going crazy. As I twist and turn through the clouds, I look at my wing and arm bands and have an epiphany , Maybe I am being followed but not physically. I thought about my history lessons and what the great animus artifacts that were known. I can't think of any that were meant to stalk a dragon without physically being present, so this must be a new or undiscovered one.

As my peronea begins to rise, I snap back into reality long enough to run into head first into another dragon. Both of us landed in a marsh with minor injuries but whoever's head I hit, must be made of stone because I am going to feel that tomorrow. I look up to see a female Mudwing (I was right about her head of stone) rising from the marsh partially dazed from our painful encounter. "Wow that's gonna leave a bruise." she said while rubbing her head. I than ask, "Are you okay?" she answers, "Ya I'll be fine. Your probably more hurt than I am." I giggled at her assumption. "The names Mire." she introduced with little worry. She then took my talons in hers and shook with a strong grip. "Firescales aye, that's pretty COOL." she said jokingly. I chuckled and then assumed that it was her tough scales that protected her from the quick burn. "I am Geyser, what are you doing here"? she answered, "I should be asking you that. This is near the end of the Mudwing kingdom and the start of the Seawing kingdom".

I explained what I was doing crossing the kingdoms to get to the other sea, and she explained that she was looking for materials to build a hut. I decided that the least I could do was help, so I followed her to a clearing where a small scavenger stood on a rock. "Geyser, this is my friend Oakley. I found him when he was just a baby so I took him in." she explained. I watched as she constructed a scavenger-sized hut that Oakley seemed to approve of. I decided that I would camp here for the night because I became ever so fascinated with the little creature.

The morning sun rises on a new day, and with it the drive to finish my journey. As I stretch my wings, I see Mire walk in from the forest with some fish and deer. "I hope your ready for some breakfast, I cook a mean surf-n-turf." she said ready to cook a meal for five. I sadly said, "For me it's more burn-n-burnt. I can't eat anything without it searing. Besides I should be making my way to the Sea kingdom." Mire then started a fire and said, "Well that stinks. well good luck, you can count me as a friend from here on out".

I decided I would walk the rest of the way to the beach due to its close proximity. As I slowly made my way through the forest, careful not to not to start a wildfire. I make it to the sea and lay my eyes on the vast mystery of the ocean and grow eager to see my other kingdom. I dove into the water with fear that it would hurt. I opened my eyes to fish fleeing from around me due to not only fear, but my scales literally made the water boil if I stayed in the same spot for to long. I began to swim and follow the signs of Seawings that had actively been around the area. After a few minutes of swimming, I see the tunnel that leads to the lively part of the kingdom. As I slithered through the tunnel, I test my aquatic language to make sure I could clearly communicate with my father.

I exit the tunnel and gaze upon the most active ecosystem I had ever seen. I make my way through the underwater city and I realize that I cannot burn my way through, so I have to make my approach as peaceful as possible. I arrive to the castle and meet the guards at the entrance. I flash that I requested a meeting with Queen Coral. I assume that since Seawings are the only dragons that can stay underwater, they let me in but with caution. We entered a hall where both doors closed. the water emptied out and we continued. Now that there is no water to stop me, I now have a second option in case I need it. I entered the throne room to see three dragons in front of me. They seemed very shy, but he looked like he knew I was firescales. "Hi! I am Princess Anemone. What do you want?' the young one said. I then remembered that this princess is known for being an Animus.

"Hush now darling, and use your manners. Welcome to our abode, I am Queen Coral. I assume you are Geyser due to the arm bands." the regal one said. I then stepped close to show that I wasn't a threat. The shy one then spoke, "I think that's close enough, we don't want anyone to get burned. I am Turtle, I have a friend who is firescales." I stopped with ease in my mind because at least one dragon didn't see firescales as a threat. I then addressed why I was here, "I am looking for a male guard. I don't know his name or status, but my mother told me he was one of your guards". Coral then rose from her throne and walked towards me, "I think I know just the dragon your looking for. Turtle, take this dragon to the training chamber." the dragon nodded and signaled to follow him.

We made our way to the training room and saw a dragon hitting a dummy repeatedly with just about every weapon in the room, including himself. The guard then looked up and dropped everything he was doing. Turtle whispered, "Good luck." and he left.

Wings of Fire Mixed Blood (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें