[12] Angel With A Shotgun

Começar do início

He sent me an odd look before turning around to see for himself. He laughs quietly, grabbing a large jar and setting it in the cart full of different foods Seth had written down. "Whoops." He chuckled.

"Give me a few things and I'll go get them. It'll be a lot faster." I said. It was the best plan I had to get out of his sight without look suspicious. To my rare luck, he nodded, looking over the list Seth had written.

"Go get a toothbrush, toothpaste, and shaving cream. Should be easy enough. I'll just be a few isles over."

I nodded, making my way towards the hygiene section. I sighed in relief noticing the female hygiene products were nearby. When I knew I was completely out of Mark's sight, I casually strolled into the next isle over that was thankfully empty. My eyes scan over multiple small boxes. Not knowing the difference between each one, I quickly grab one. I scan the isle once more and the ceiling for any cameras before shoving the pregnancy test in my hoodie pocket safely.

Three other people were scanning the shelves of toothbrushes and shampoos when I came back over. Trying to keep my distance but get what I needed, I stand a little farther to the side from a woman looking in her early forties. She was a little shorter than me with dirty blond hair tied into a messy bun. Before I could grab the toothbrush that looked fine for Seth, the lady interrupted me.

"Excuse me, could you grab that please?" She asked politely, pointing to a bottle of mouthwash.

I nodded awkwardly. "Uh, sure."

As I was handing it to her, she froze, staring at me curiously. "I-I know you."

I chuckled nervously, my anxiety rising quickly. "No you don't."

"You're that girl thats wanted for murder!" She shouts loudly, grabbing the attention of others. "You and that other guy!"

"N-No I'm not." I stutter through clenched teeth. I take my hand away from the Scope bottle only for her to grab my wrist tightly.

"I'll have you know, I'm not scared of you." She stated with an angered face, feeling for something in her purse sitting in the cart beside her. She kept a close eye on me the entire time.

"I don't know who you're talking about, but I am not them."

"Oh, what is your name?" She mumbled to herself. "Y/n! Yes, you're her!" She shouted again. The other strangers were still watching with a confused look.

Mark came from the other side of the isle, looking frantic and slightly out of breath. He held the bar of the shelf to turn himself as he ran. Once he saw me in the woman's grasp, he jogged up to us, trying to look normal. He stood next to me, glancing between the woman's eyes and her hold on my wrist.

"Is everything all right here?" He asked, as if he were clueless of the situation.

"You're the other guy!" She yelled, pulling out her phone from her purse. "I'm calling the cops."

"Listen, there is no need to call-" Mark began calmly before being cut off by the lady.

"You've both committed a crime worth getting arrested for!"

"Whoever you're thinking of, we are not them." Mark stated quietly in attempt to quiet her down. I take a step back anxiously as if I were about to start running but Mark calmly pressed his hand against my lower back to stop me. He looked at me, barely turning his head, and slightly shook his head.

She took her eyes off of us as she turned her phone on, pressing the emergency button. "We'll see when the police arrive." She smirked, typing in the three numbers and placing her phone on her ear. Mark stood still, looking strong as always.

As soon as she began speaking to the person on the phone, Mark roughly grabbed my free wrist and began running. I was finally out of the woman's grasp, running as fast I could to keep up with Mark. She yelled after us, telling someone to stop us. Everyone stared confusedly at her and us.

Mark still had a tight grip on my wrist as we ran to his car. He pushed me to hurry and get into the passenger seat as he ran to the drivers. He didn't worry about a seatbelt, he drove out of the parking lot without one. My breathing was heavy from the running as we sat there in another ride of silence.

Fortunately, through all that, I could still feel that small rectangular box in my hoodie pocket.

You guys have no idea what I have planned for this and how excited I am to write them.

...well, Kellie knows what gonna happen...



(She's in color guard for the marching band...she's almost hit me with her flag three times)

Forever Halloween(Markiplier X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora