[12] Angel With A Shotgun

Start from the beginning

I drop my clothes on the floor, changing into them as fast as I could. Tyler's hoodie lay forgottenh on the floor by my feet. In a slow movement, I slide down to the floor, my weight against the door.

'What have I done?', I thought. 'What if I'm pregnant? What will that mean? What would that lead to? What would I do?'

Too many questions ran through my mind. Too many that I didn't have answers to. Every new one freaked me out more than the last. I couldn't think of anything but this situation. The worst part of it, I couldn't change anything about any of this, I couldn't go back in time and save my drunk ass, if I was pregnant, I couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't do anything. I left my wallet with my things back in LA so I couldn't buy anything to prevent it from happening.

Deciding to get something to ease my migraine, I stand up, pain shooting through my lower half. Attempting to walk as normal as I could, acting as if the pain didn't exist, I make my way down the hallway and into the living room where Mark, Seth, Ethan, and Seán were. Thankfully, no one questioned where I just came from.

"Ibuprofen is on the table if you need any." Seán groaned, pointing at the small, white bottle. I nodded in thanks, gripping the container in my hand as I poured two into the palm of my opposite hand. Mark appears beside me, holding out a water bottle. In his other hand were his keys and a small paper.

"I have to go to the store for this dumbass, since I'm the only one without a hangover." Mark informed, walking toward the door.

I immediately perked up. "I'll go with you!" I slightly shout. I look down slightly, embarrassed by my outburst.

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"No reason." I lie. They can't know.

"I don't think thats a good idea." Seán interjected. "Having, not one, but two wanted people out in the open where everything could go wrong."

Mark rolled his eyes. "It'll be fine. Who actually keeps up with criminals in America?"

"If Seth knew who you two were, other people are bound to recognize you." Said Seán. His facial expression looked stern, his normal look when he disapproved of something. The idea of not having the opportunity to get what I needed made me feel sick. I had something I needed to do, but I couldn't let any of the guys think I was up to something.

"All will be fine." Mark grins, ignoring everything Seán had just said. Seán opened his mouth to argue, but Mark beat him to it.

Opening the front door, spinning the keys around his finger, he hollered out. "Come one Y/n!"

Sending an apologetic look to Seán, I follow Mark, quietly shutting the front door in attempt not to wake anyone up. The ride was silent on the way there. The radio stayed off and our voices remained muted. There wasn't much I was willing to talk about anyway. The only thing I was focused on was the question of the day. Hell, maybe the question of the next few weeks if this doesn't work out properly.

Am I pregnant?

*               *               *

"Do you see the peanut butter anywhere?" Mark asked me, cluelessly searching the shelves in front of him.

My eyes land on a section full of different kinds and jar sizes of peanut butter, holding back a grin. "Um, behind you."

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