Chapter TWO- Instinct

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This Chapter is dedicated to my only follower!😂 Ironically she is my best friend. But before you judge...I went undercover as myself. And she followed me not knowing it was me. That made me feel all the much better. Thanks, Hay!

Tessa's POV. ---------------

There are many emotions. There's are also categories. Such as Happiness,Saddness, and Madness. But the thing is,being frightened doesn't fall into any of those categories. Right now I'm frightened,I'm scared, I feel like I'm out of my mind.

Maybe its also because I'm gonna die today. My heartbeat is going so fast...the mystery guy can probably hear it. I have no clue where he is leading me, but I know to listen.

I can tell right form wrong, but not good people from bad people cause underneath a nice charm...can be...well...someone evil. This guy though,seems really bad inside,and out. I know most likely he will kill me. But he already had the chance,so does it mean I necessarily won't die. Maybe underneath it all, he has a reason to be like this. Snap out if it, Tessa! People w-who shoot people are not good. Emphisize on the word not.

He was leading me further and the open. I have no clue where exactly I am. But it's paved and there's trees surrounding the pad of cement. Wait...oh no.

I heard the all to familiar sound of a helicopter. The cement was a HELICOPTER pad. Where exactly is this crazed phycomaniac taking me. His eyes scanned me over before his gaze went back to the sky. He let out a dramatic sigh then the black haired man said

"Ever ridden one...or is this your first time?" His voice was husky but also he was badly injured.

"N-no sir," he let out a smooth chuckle. "But my dad drives I have been near them." I stuttered and slurred some of my words because

One) I have been kidnapped by this crazy dude.

Two) He was really hot

Three) His masculine voice didn't make it much better


The thoughts coursed through my head...why didn't he just kill me already. Or worse, is he slowly gonna torture me...?

The helicopter came down hard and loud. Dirt flew up left and right through the landing. How could cement be so...dirty? The guy put his hand on the small of my back and gently guided me. His hand was warm and fit perfectly in the crevice of my back. I don't know why but some sort of adrenaline is pumping through me. This feels like the thrill of a lifetime.

Then in a low husky voice mystery guy wasn't a mystery" My name is Dominick."

I looked up at himthrough my thick eyelashes confused, then muffled through the bandanna "Tessa..."

Although I think he could barely hear me so, he loosened the bandanna and pulled it down. The hotness was released from my jaw and I sucked in the crisp air in between My teeth. It was colder now and I could feel the air nip and bite at my cheeks. Then I quickly glanced at him staring at me with A quizacle look

Looking away I mumbled " My name is," I paused then looked deep in the soul of his eyes "Tessa."I finished. Then before he could do it I quickly retied the bandanna. But to my surprise he took it off and put it back on his head.

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