Chapter 1

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Corey sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen, sure he was supposed to be doing something, but couldn't seem to remember what exactly. He had a thing for getting work done on time and his mind tried to warn him, only he couldn't move. He had been in a haze all morning and didn't want to lose it. Even work couldn't occupy him this time.

Sure, the situation at home with Sean had been spiralling for a while, but they had been together two years and the outcome was a shock.

He had no illusions of a perfect relationship, but they were good enough together he tried to stick it out. In all honesty, things had become stained after their one year anniversary; they fought more often and Sean didn't come home till late most nights, but most of their little spats ended in hot, wild sex and he'd think everything was fine.

Clearly, nothing was fine. Not that it made him any less shocked to find out he'd been cheated on. Yeah, he might have entertained the idea after his family and friends told him of the possibility, but he had believed in Sean's honesty. Sean hated liars, and the irony wasn't lost on him that he became the biggest hypocrite.

He was so far gone in his own head that he hardly noticed someone had walked into the office until his name was called.


The shout, right in his ear pulled a startled squeak from him as he jumped about a foot in the air and almost managed to topple off his chair. He managed to right himself last minute and glared at the culprit as she burst into laughter.

Myra, his best friend and confidant since high school and now office partner set down a bag and cup of coffee on his desk before setting down her own, trying to control her laughter.

"Damn it Myra," he snapped. "You almost gave me a fucking heart attack." He only made her laugh harder as she grabbed onto the desk opposite to his, trying to stay upright. Watching her, though, he only huffed in annoyance as he held back a smile. She may be annoying, but she knew better how to get him out of a funk faster than anyone else he knew.

"I can't breathe," she gasped, wrapping an arm around her middle. "I keep thinking I'll get bored hearing you squeak like a girl, but it never gets old."

"Fuck off," he muttered, more ashamed than mad at her. For some reason, women looked at him and imagined he was straight, most guys too. Until he opened his mouth and everyone knew he was a homo. He'd tried censoring his words, but still never gave out a straight image as soon as he spoke.

Most people were surprised he was gay at all, average height at 5'7, not bulky but definitely lean and muscled. Hell, even his tastes were normal guy stuff; he wasn't OCD and only cooked enough to get by. Still, it wasn't even a surprise when he came out his senior year of high school. It pissed him off after how long he'd stewed over it, but he got over it quick and got grateful when his elder brother tried to set him up with a girl.

But even as the old annoyance still rankled, it wasn't enough to keep his mind occupied for long. The tiny smile that had managed to sneak past his defences died away as he sighed, his shoulders slumping. He shot a glance at Myra and noticed the sympathetic look before she could hide it. So she knew, and she was trying to make him forget by distracting him. He glanced away before the look could make him burst into tears.

"I'm sorry, Corey," she murmured, not even needing to ask.

He took a deep breath. " least I always made him use a condom during sex."

That startled a laugh from Myra, and he was momentarily proud. She wasn't the kind of person to be shocked by anything, but he never went into the mechanics of gay sex with her, much less bring it up. He'd just told her he bottomed, but couldn't think enough to remember why he never wanted her to know that particular detail.

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