Chapter 4

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Katie's pov:
I woke up to Annie nudging me awake. My phone was ringing and someone was knocking on Annie's door, which we locked earlier. Brennan was calling me, but instead I quickly declined the call and crawled under Annie's bed. She unlocked and opened her door, me trying not to breathe to heavily, even though my heart was beating so fast I wouldn't be suprised if you could hear that too.
"Annie what's going on?" It was Hayley, thank god. She explained what was happening and I finally could get from under her bed. I hugged Hayhay and rung Brennan back, he picked up instantly.

Brennan: Katie where the hell are you??? It's 7am and I just realized you are missing, are you alright? I'm getting worried.
Katie: Oh my god I didn't realize the time, I was at Annie's and we fell asleep. I'll be on my way home right now.
Brennan: Seriously you have to explain when you get home, you're lucky mom and dad didn't find out before I did I want you here right now!
Katie: Okay I'm on my way, I'm sorry and I love you.

I hung up and told Annie and Hayley I had to leave right away, I grabbed my stuff and ran home, my family would be up any moment.

When I got home I was very out of breath. Brennan was in my room waiting for me when I got back and he gave me a massive hug. "Katie Elizabeth Donnelly" He whispered, incase someone would hear. "Do not do anything like that again without letting anyone know." We pulled away, and a few seconds later, my mom came downstairs vlogging.

"You two are up early, and Katie you're dressed!" I just had to play along "Yeah, I couldn't sleep and I was bored." Me and Brennan both gave out a nervous laugh and mom finally left to wake up Ryan.

"That was close" I thought and then I face-timed Annie and Hayley, because I had to leave them in such a rush without really saying goodbye. They didn't pick up. I tried again and again, no answer. I decided to take a nap, I only got about four hours sleep and I didn't want to be waiting around for Annie to text me back.

Annie's pov:

He had seen Katie running from our house this morning and became furious at me for letting her come to ours, or even seeing her in the first place. "But why?" I asked back. I was crying obviously, because I am so utterly confused as to why my dad hates Katie so much, she has been nothing but good to me. "BECAUSE SHE IS USING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FOR FAME, SHE IS CLEARLY NOT YOUR FRIEND, DO YOU WANT THAT?!"

I ran off in tears, he has absolutely no proof about anything he has said about her. I ran to the backyard and bawled there, because I didn't have anything else to do. That was the thing, Katie was gone and there is nothing I can do about it. I have no idea why my father would ever think Katie was using us for fame, I have came across many new friend that use me, but not my Katie, who I've known for five years now.

My phone, iPad and computer were taken off me, with Katie and all of her family's contacts blocked. I am not allowed to go outside, whoever I'm seeing or whatever I'm doing. But I'll never give up, I have too see her again.

I had to suck it up and smile in the vlog, pretend like everything is okay like Hayley and I have always had to do for the past year and a half. We used to genuinely love vlogging, and were fine showing our emotions to our fans. But recently things have changed. My parents put a camera in my face whenever I'm sad, or mad, or feeling any kind of negative emotion, even when I tell them to stop. I couldn't be sad or angry at my parents on camera, because no one could know about what happened these past few days. But I wish our subscribers could know, because I feel so alone in this situation.

We went on the boat again, which I really didn't want to do. I wanted to lay down, get some sleep and think about how I will be able to see Katie again, but obviously I couldn't, because it wouldn't make a good vlog!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2018 ⏰

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