Chapter 4

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Sorry about lack of chapters, I've been really sick' I'm a little better though, enjoy.

Mitch P.O.V

Shit, I need to find her. I called Adam,jason,ryan,alesa, and of course Jerome. They all came in 10 mins. What am I going to do you guys?!? I said while crying. Jerome came over and hugged me, as the other guys told me we would find her. On the back of the note it said that she was at Ashley's. I explained. We packed some stuff and headed out.

Jerome P.O.V

I feel bad for Mitch he always had feelings for Alexis, and who knows she could be dead. Ashley's a bitch. But I have to blame myself, I'm the one who told Ashley Mitch had feelings for Alexis. I can't help to thing that its,All My Fault.

Sorry for the short chapter as I said I am sick, and more to come later!!!!!

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