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April 25th, 2018-Calm before the storm-

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April 25th, 2018
-Calm before the storm-

It was six o'clock in the evening. Emma was growing restless, just sitting in a seat at a fancy dinning room. She felt a hand rest on her shoulder, she turned to see Tony looking at her.

"Calm down, kid." Tony said.

Emma looks at Tony, "Sorry," She said, "It's the first night off I've had since- ever."

Tony nods, "And you need to allow yourself some time off. If they need you, they'll call. But right now, it's family time." He said.

Emma smirks and rolls her eyes, "Aye, aye, dad."

Tony couldn't help but smirk as well. They were sitting alone at their table as Pepper was speaking to some important business elites. Tony had a drink in his hands, and Emma had her phone in her hand.

Emma only had a purse since she was wearing an elegant purple dress, coming to her knees with thick straps. She was wearing slight black heels. She had makeup done by Pepper to go with the dress, and her hair was braided.

"Emma," A familiar voice spoke.

Emma mentally swore, she knew who it was before turning. She turned her gaze to see none other than Harry Osborn standing there.

"Harry," Emma faked a smile to be polite.

Tony glanced at Harry, "Harry Osborn?" Tony addressed the boy, "Norman's kid?"

Harry nods and gestures to shake Tony's hand, "Yes." He smiles, "It's an honor to finally meet you in person, Mr Stark."

Tony stands up and shakes Harry's hand out of respect. Emma stands up as well, as Harry turns to Emma with a small smile on his face. Then stepping over was Norman.

"Tony," Norman gives Tony a firm nod.

"Norman," Tony said and raised his drink to his lips.

There was so much tension that could be cut with a knife. Emma and Harry awkwardly looked at one an other, so much awkward tension between their dad's.

"So," Norman spoke first, "I had no idea you took in a ward."

Tony glanced at Norman, "Yes," He says, "Emma's mother has been a long time friend of Pepper, so when she needed some help with her health we promised to care for Emma until she is healthy enough to be on her own again."

Norman nods not looking impressed, "So nice of you."

There was that awkward tension again. Emma noticed Harry's glass was empty, so despite not really being close with Harry, decided to use this to get away from Harry.

"Oh your glass is empty, Harry," Emma said, "We should get a refill."

Harry looks and nods, "Oh right."

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