Chapter 2: The stars know

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It stung, it felt like a million bolts of pain rushing to every corner of his body. The burn and pain of being kicked and hit. It came to this. He had let the Fairy Tail members do as they pleased, if they felt like Gajeel needed a good beating then go a head. Kick him, make him feel any pain they thought he might need. After all, he was once the bad guy. He caused their pain so let them cause his. The two men who were always around Levy decided to teach Gajeel a lesson and beat him a little. But once Laxus came along, things changed for the worst.

" GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! " Yelled Gajeel in agony as Laxus used his lighting magic on Gajeel.

Behind the pain and behind a tree, he saw the hazel eyed bluenette. Peering terrified as she witness Gajeel in pain. Gajeel didn't fight anyone back. He wanted to be accepted in this guild, something he hasn't felt since his father Metalicana disappeared along with the other dragons. He wanted to know what kept this guild so together and how they would do anything for each other, even this. Beating a man up for the sake of a guild member.

" Laxus! You're taking this too far! Leave him alone! " Yelled one of the men.

Finally it seemed more rage had build up in Laxus as he turned to strike one the men behind him. Missing, the bolt of lighting nearly struck Levy but before it could, with one swift movement Gajeel turned his arm into a metal rod and shielded Levy from the bolt.

" Gajeel! " Yelled Levy as she stared at Gajeel from behind.

" A- are you through with me?.. Because I have better things to be doing. " Gajeel barely spoke, injured and well humiliated.

Gajeel summed up enough strength and began to walk away. He had heard Levy call out to him but before she could finish he cut her off.

" Leave me alone.. "

Injured, Gajeel walks and walks. And he never stops walking. Where he was going? He didn't know but he knew he wanted to be alone and far away from everyone else. He wanted the chance to forget about the world around him and renew. But he needed to get far away in order to do so.

So once Gajeel stopped his long walk to in isolated park of Magnolia where the were like roofs and a patch in the center of them could show the stars, he laid on the grass starring at the sky. The crickets chirped and the moon light caused a huey look upon Gajeel's skin.

" Damn.." He murmured as he let his arm fall to the side of him. Maybe it had been better that Gajeel didn't join this guild, maybe he should have rotted in hell for everything he had done to that guild. What he had done to her. Why didn't Natsu just kill him when he had the chance? What was the point of being here when you know you aren't ever going to be accepted and loved. Even after you try to redeem yourself. When you are labeled a title by someone you will be that title until the day you die. So what was the point.

What was the future going to be like? He wished he knew and Gajeel also wished that Levy could look down on him, spit on him as he walked by. Hate him, torment him, kill him even. He took away her pride the day he crucified her upon that tree. And the most frustrating question is why she is so kind to him?

" Gihe, this shrimp is never going to leave my mind. " He chuckled deeply.

She was the object of fascination, the most interesting being. So maybe, maybe this girl was going to be his change of fate. The one who changes him.. the one who will love him when no body else would. Maybe he would love her in return. With these thoughts, Gajeel decided to return home. In the dead night of Magnolia.

He had reached the first few steps to his house when he realized someone was knocking at his door, it was Levy.

" Oy. " Said Gajeel to get Levy's attention.

Startled she turned back to face him, " Gajeel! You scared me! what are you doing out so late? "

" I could ask the same for you, shrimp. "

Looking away shyly, Levy put her right arm behind her back, " I came to find you.. I wanted to thank you for shielding me earlier. "

He raised an eyebrow at her, " You came all the way here just to tell me that? "

  Levy nodded her head as she blushed a bit.

Gajeel smiled and ruffled her blue hair before opening his door to enter his house, " It was no problem, shorty. "

" I'm not that short! " Squealed Levy.

" Gihe, Have you measured yourself lately? You must at least be two inches tall." Gajeel smirked.

" Really? Is this what you give to me when I came all the way here to thank you?"

Gajeel stayed quiet and once again softly ruffled Levy's hair, " You're right. Maybe you're an inch shorter than two inches."

Said Gajeel before entering his home and shutting the door behind him. From the other side he had heard Levy call him stupid as she walked away.

Once he knew she was gone he slid his body against the door to sit. He felt this need for Levy, the need to protect this shrimp. She had to be too pure for this world. Someone that could need protecting and he was willing to do it. So maybe all the times he prayed to the stars for love and belonging.. maybe this is the time he was going to get it. Maybe this was going to be Levy to bring him out of his shell.

They knew.. the stars knew.

End of chapter 2


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