Imagine fighting with Peter over Ego

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Ego wanted Peter on his side and from the moment you landed on his planet, you knew something was up. A whined tug pulled at the bottom of your stomach, but Peter had finally found his dad and you couldn't take that away from him.

That is until you had a talk with Mantis and realized something was truly up. You wanted to gather the other Guardians and tail it the hell away. And Peter was the last person needing convincing.

So you knocked softly on the bedroom door and when he answered, the wide smile on his face pained you.

"I was about to go look for you," he smiled, pressing a kiss on your lips. "I was talking to my dad and he showed me something so amazing.."

You nodded and listened to Peter describing the power he felt, explained how he wasn't just some regular being - he was powerful too and your heart sank.

Ego had already gotten to Peter.

"Babe," you interrupted, gripping the lapel of his jacket. "We have to go, something's not right here."

He pushed away from you, confusion written all over his handsome face. He started going on about how wrong you were, that you needed to give it a chance, that Ego was good.

"He's your father, I get it, but Peter, please listen to me."

Your plea fell on deaf ears and he shook his head when you said you'd leave.

"I can't stay here, don't do this," you begged, clutching his jacket once more. "Don't you realize what this means? The others believe me, please, don't make us choose. Try to understand how this feels! It hurts, Peter."

"I know exactly what it feels like!"

He shouted, anger in his eyes, something you had never seen directed at you.

Guilt and regret instantly filled you up.

"My mom died when I was a kid! I was taken from my home and raised by a crazy man, who threatened to eat me! And I have my dad back now! You want me to give him up too!"

Tears flooded your face, letting go of his jacket. "We're your family, Peter. Gamora, Drax, Rocket, Groot, and even, Yondu. And what about me? I thought you loved me?"

Peter gulped back the anger and he tried to touch you on the arm, but you jerked back.

"Fine," you said quietly. "I can't ask you to give up your Dad, just...just be careful Peter."

He watched as you walked to the door, hesitating for a moment before opening it and leaving.

☆ Peter Quill ☆  Oneshots/ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora