Chapter 1

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 I never knew how far we'd get by now, at first it was just glances in the hallways at school. Afterwards we started talking, i knew her through my brother, and we started smiling at each other all the time. Getting this far while running away from home is hard to come by, I'm just glad we did this together. 

September 4th 2016, 

Dear Diary, 

She looked at me again today, i only know her name, Juliet, it's as beautiful as her, i don't know how to even start a conversation with her without trembling my words or freaking out,or blushing like crazy. She's so beautiful. I never knew i liked girls until her, damn she does something to me, not anything sexually in my thoughts, but she just sparks something in me. I didn't know what liking her felt like until i actually did. 

As i was writing in my diary about Juliet, i couldn't stop smiling in math. thinking of her, she's so perfect. And i can't get her out of my head, i can't compete with the guys, she's just so beautiful and I'm so basic. I just wish i could have her.

"Miss Moon, care to tell me what your writing?" Mr Bishop asked me.

"No sir, sorry sir." I replied, closing my diary.

"Its alright, just don't let it happen again, now moving on to Pythagorean Theorem." He said probably for the 13th time this month.

I never really understood math much, i just want this class to end. As i thought those words, the end of class bell rang, time to go to lunch, where Juliet was. I walk down the stairs and through the hallways to the cafeteria, to meet my brother and talk with him, a few minutes later Juliet walked by,

"Hey guys whats up?" She asked.

"Oh uh not much h-how about you?" I replied, damn I'm stuttering again.

"just gonna go talk to Kas, might back over in a few, that cool with you?" She asked with her beautiful smile.

"Uh y-yeah s-sure." I reply and smile an awkward smile.

"Okay, see ya in a bit." She said and walked away.

I let go of my breath, gasping for air. Fuck what the hell is wrong with me and may stutters?!

"I know you like her." My brother John said to me.

"What?! No you're just imagining things, don't be ridiculous." I say trying to keep things cool, but i couldn't any longer because Juliet was coming back, shit!

"Hey Alex, hey John." She said with a smooth voice.

"Hey Jules, have you fully talked to my sister, i don't think you have, you should, she's funny as hell, and she like a lot of stuff that you like so, you two should workout just fine." John said while walking away. 

I nudge him hard in the side. Thanks John I'm gonna kill you after school. 

"So Alex, what do you like?" She asked sitting down next to me.

"Oh uh, w-well i like art and music, i love the rain, and the Autumn season, s-some music that i like is like Panic! at the Disco and Black Veil Brides, I'm a little bit of a nerd but not much, heh, how about you? i asked leaning in with interest.

"I like fashion, i like the rain too, art is pretty cool, ayyy Brendon Urie the demon king himself, haha, some of the music i like is Motionless in White, Black Veil Brides, Avril Lavigne, don't judge me." She said while laughing the most adorable laugh.

How could i judge her, she's too perfect for judgement.

"Hey can i get your number? You seem cool and I would love to talk to you more." She said grabbing her phone.

"oh uh yeah, sure, definitely." I say.

Yes! I'm giving her my number i get to talk to her more, and i don't know, be her friend!

I gave her my number and the end of the period bell rang, we parted ways and went to class. The day ended and school was over. Everybody leaves and goes home. When I get home, i got a text from and unknown number, I immediately respond, and I know its Julia. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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