3. Outta Town Girl

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Foot steps traveled behind me and I suddenly felt someone very close to me, "Put your finger tips right under his sack, he likes that" A completely unknown feminine voice whispered near my ear. I literally gagged out loud, brining my hands to cover my mouth before I actually threw up. My eye lids stayed shut tight, even after I heard the front door slam.

I endured in my same position for several minutes, refusing to even peek. What I had gotten myself into was the only line running through my brain. I could've just took a bus. Or a taxi. Or some sort of horse would've been a better alternative than this. I finally lowered my hands from over my eyes when Bizzle ran his hand down my spine. I quenched with fear, turning into a ninja as I jumped to face him. He chuckled of course.

Bizzle stood before me wearing a pair of dark blue, low cut jeans with a large grey cut off t-shirt. His hair, as always, perfectly in place. I had rehearsed this line a million times in my head while I was blindly waiting. I sucked in my gut, "Before we go, I have some rules." I lifted my chin. Bizzle gave a not-so-surprised chuckle, allowing me to proceed. "Rule number one, no touching. No games. No delays. No distractions. No smoking. No tag-along buddies. This is a list of things I need to get done-" I handed him the written list from my pocket, "-We go to every one of these places. We don't stop anywhere else. No additional pit stops. You get one bathroom break and one food break. Once I'm done, we come straight back to campus. We have to be back before the sun sets." I took a breath after preaching my demands.

Bizzle's brows rose unmistakably high when he glanced up from my list of destinations I handed him. "No problem" He mocked my reading rules voice, "Though I should warn you, I've never really been a fan of rules" He smirked handing the paper back to me. I rolled my eyes, taking his statement as a joke.

Bizzle hustled into his room, returning with a helmet in his hand. "Alright, let's rideee" He sang handing me the helmet and then swiping his keys off the counter.

"What's this?" I asked holding the helmet up. His lips puckered.

"A helmet? Ya know, for safety, Mrs. Rules on rules" He stated shoving his wallet into pocket.

I shook my head, "I'm not riding on that death trap you consider a vehicle" I tossed the helmet back to him. "We'll take Joey's car" I quickly suggested holding up the little set of keys. Joey was currently taking his exams for the remainder of the day, he'd handed me his keys to bring up to his dorm. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we used it for this trip. In fact I think he'd approve, rather than that motor bike.

"No way. I never leave my bike behind" Bizzle fought me on this one. "You don't have to ride it, but that's the only way you're getting there with me" His voice dropped in an overpowering manner. He dropped the helmet on the floor, walking right past me toward the exit. I picked up the helmet off the floor. "Oh and you might want to reconsider rule number one, since the bike only has one set of handle bars."

Letting out a easily paced exhale, I turned and followed Bizzle outside to the parking lot. I carried the helmet in my hand, nervously walking behind Bizzle. I guess I didn't expect everything to go my way, but I really hadn't expected that this would be his only mode of transportation. Though, why would I expect any different? Maybe it would be better if I just waited, went a different day with a different person in an actual car. I suppose than I can at least boost my chances of making it back to campus in one piece.

Bizzle hopped up on to the motorcycle when we made it to the parking lot. Slapping his helmet on, but keeping the eye window of it open. He looked back at me where I stood on the edge of the street, "Come on." He whined. I glared at the bike. Just about ready to wholly quit on this adventure and reassure my safety back in the dorm. I could probably have the books and things shipped over to me by phone or online anyway, right?

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