They went back to the village and tried to remain unseen. For some time they had been lucky, but once they came to the cells, they knew they would be slowed down. They freed Ryker from the chains and supported him out. "Can you walk, brother?" Viggo asked him. "I can, but I will slow you down. Get out of here, both of you!" He pleaded that they were escaping from the island. "We are not leaving without you." Ann supported Ryker from the right, Viggo on the left.

Ryker was out safely and the road towards the ship seemed to be miles long. "Usually it is a few minute walk, but now it will take us much longer to get there." Ann told them. "It is a risk I'm willing to take." Viggo said as they had to drag Ryker all the way to the ship. "Thanks, guys." Ryker's voice sounded weak, but he kept on going for the sake of them all. "Ann!" 

They were busted at the end of the village square. "You won't take them away from me again, Steve!" She turned around to face her father. "What did you call me? I'm still your father." "A father by blood maybe, but not a father by heart. You don't support me in my love. Viggo makes me strong. He will make me the strong chief I have to be, if I'm ever gonna be one." 

Her father was about to grab her and ground her for the rest of her life when her eyes suddenly rolled away and turned white. She fell to the ground, completely not approachable and feeling weak all over her body. Viggo got Ryker dragged to the ship by some other men as he carried Ann back to the ship. They were getting out of here. Steve, in the meantime, had ran off. Where to was a mystery, but he surely seemed to be in a great haste.

When everything was ready to move out and leave, Ann's father came running down to Viggo's chamber and demanded Ann back. "And why would I give her back to you after all you have done to her?" Viggo had an angry and venomous look. "I know you want to protect her and so do I. I went back to the Sacred Waters and found out her Sacred Dragon is gone! She is in danger." "What?" Viggo was left speechless. "You need to find it and bring it back to where it belongs or else it will die. And if the dragon dies, so does she. Please, she is the only daughter and family I have left." Steve begged him. 

"Are you able to keep her alive for as long as possible?" Viggo asked him, terribly concerned about her as he recognized the danger she was in. "I will do my best, but there is a limited time. You have to hurry." Her father answered. "Take her with you and take care of her. I will look for that dragon and bring it home safely." They got to the deck and Viggo called out to someone who could help Steve in this time of crisis. 

"Havòk! I need you to stay here. Help Steve out as much as you can to keep her alive while I am out at sea searching for her Dragon." "You got it, Viggo!" Havòk hopped off the ship and walked with Steve back to the village. Viggo got everything they needed to leave and do their parts of this horrible mission to save Ann's life.

Viggo handed his lover over to Steve and kissed her forehead and stroke her head before they both would leave. "Just hold on for me. Keep fighting. I will be back with your dragon as soon as I can." "She is in good hands. Hurry now." Steve made haste himself to get off the ship so Viggo could leave.

It took Viggo two weeks to locate the Sacred Dragon and the battle was hard to be fought. The ship was familiar to Viggo, though he couldn't place it right now. Bringing the dragon back home was priority number one now. 

Two more weeks and he got back to Muzona. "Make the dragon ready to be transported back to the Waters! I need to check up on Ann." He ran to a tent where he guessed she would be. There she was, eyes closed, laying on the bed still with barely signs of life. "Is she..?" He couldn't get the thought out his mind that he was too late. "No, but she is weak. Is the dragon back in the Waters?" Viggo shook his head. "Then go and be fast. I fear we don't have that much time left." Steve yelled a bit. 

Viggo ran back to the ship where the dragon had been loaded in nets so that Ash could fly it back. "We have to hurry, boy. For Ann's sake." Ash growled a bit and flew in great speed to the Waters where he gently lowered the dragon in. It sank to the bottom and left Viggo's heart pounding.

Racing back to the village, Viggo jumped of Ash in great haste. When he got in the tent he saw the mourning faces of the people in there. He was shocked deeply. Steve looked up with teared eyes. "It's too late. She is gone." Viggo couldn't bear hearing these words, collapsed next to her and cried his heart out. Not again. I'm so sorry, baby. I failed you. Steve laid a hand on Viggo's shoulder in his shared grief. "I'm so sorry, son..." 

For two minutes, the grief and sorrows controlled the room when suddenly... What? Viggo looked up to the one he thought he lost. "Her chest..." He whispered. "What is wrong, son?" Steve asked him. "Her chest. She's breathing!" He couldn't believe it and petted her head and hair. Steve got into action immediately. "Quick! Make her ready to be transported to the Waters! We have to hurry." Steve picked Ann up and laid her in a kart. 

The people ran their hearts out to head to the Sacred Waters. Steve laid her in and Ann got dragged down again. "If she doesn't wake up after you get her out, it means one of you has been lying about your love. She will be gone forever if that happens." He said to Viggo. She got healed by the touch of her dragon and was brought back to the surface. Viggo got her out, just like last time, and looked at her lifeless body. "She is not moving or breathing." He held her close, hurting that she didn't love him and cried softly.

After a brief moment, he heard her groan a bit. Looking at her, she had opened her eyes. Those loving eyes, they would never be anything else. He kissed her deep and passionate, stroking her hair and cheek. They smiled at each other and rubbed noses, leaving Steve regret everything he had done. "Your scars! They're gone!" Viggo said quite surprised. "Her wounds and old scars are healed in such an intense healing process." Steve explained to him. 

Then the Dragon roared and growled. "Everybody, step back!" Steve said to everyone around the two lovers. The Dragon breathed out colourful fire and left Viggo and Ann speechless in the fire tornado. "The Lovers Blessing." Ann softly spoke. Viggo got her in a sitting position and held her against him. "What did you say?" Viggo asked her. "The Lovers Blessing is given to those who truly love each other. It shows the people of Muzona that these two belong together." Viggo looked back to her, smiled as he heard it and kissed her. She then rested her head against his chest.

Once the dragon stopped breathing fire and they were revealed to the people again, Steve came walking up to them. "Viggo, Ann, I'm sorry for everything. You two belong together, the Dragon just showed all of us. What can I do for you in repayment?" He asked them. "I don't know, dad. I'm already glad I have you back." Viggo got her to her feet again. 

Steve smiled and hugged her. "I'm glad to have you back too, my child." He whispered in her ear. She was still a bit wobbly on her feet when Steve let her go, but Viggo was there to support her. "How long have you been betrothed?" Steve asked Viggo. "A few months now. I have been meaning to marry her for along time now, but we never found the perfect time for that." Viggo looked at his lover and smiled to her. 

"What if I arrange your marriage for you? It's the least I can do to young love." Steve proposed. Viggo and Ann couldn't believe it and said a hard yes to that. They went back to the village so they could have their rest, while Steve went to work to get everything ready for their marriage.    

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