Chapter Two: Miss Mitchell

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Walking home from your late night run is more on the creepy aspect of things and you're thanking your lucky star that you have Aubrey there with you to link arms while you venture through the ghastly silent streets of Barden without much protection. Lights are off, for the most part in buildings, houses and the dorms; it's not even breaking curfew, so you don't really know why Barden is so empty and quiet right now. Police officers are the only ones out, either walking with flash lights, inspecting campus for anything suspicious while parked police cars are found at every corner with even more officers patrolling undercover, looking for the same thing.

You and Aubrey wiggle your way pass all of them, even though they lecture the living life out of you multiple times, claiming that it's unsafe for two pretty girls to be walking alone this late at night and should go home immediately where you guys are not in danger. You appreciate the compliment and understand why more and more people are to the extreme cautious about everything going on, so you send them a understanding smile and agree to be safe walking around campus.

The irritation is still there, however, because as far as you know, it's only passing eight at night (which isn't even late like they're making it out to be) the same time you've been out on multiple occasions and not to jinx anything but you've kept yourself safe from Barden's kidnapper. Also, not to brag, but you're a tough cookie when you want to be, or have been pushed to that ticking point where you just can't sit and take something any longer without blowing up.

Just ask the guy who got a little too handsy with you during a mixer at a frat party when you specifically asked him not to keep his hands at your waist that passed dangerous territory and when he didn't listen, you verbally and physically put him in his place, giving that jerk a piece of your own medicine.

Or in other words, broke his nose a kicked him in the manhood.

No longer after that night did he even try to make eye contact with you and for classes, which you had three together with, stayed as far away as possible he could humanly get, scared that any interaction would end him up in the hospital.

Talk about something to be proud of.

So with that story, you know that you can put up a pretty mean fight and aren't as fragile and delicate as these officers are making you out to be.

Once you guys get through lecture central from every damn police officer out patrolling tonight, the both of you make it the Bellas' house and Aubrey digs for her key in her zip up pocket before unlocking the door. Expecting everyone to be busy in their own rooms, it startles you a bit to open the door and find a very concerned and maybe even a little angry Roxy, who is pacing the living room with the house phone glued to her hand right behind it.

You're just about to ask what's the matter before the sound of the door opening alerts Roxy and the relieved expression that washes over her face sucks you out of saying anything at all before she's opening her mouth to speak.

Or yell.

"Where have you guys been?!" Roxy borderline screeches this and she jogs her way from behind where you and Aubrey are standing to shut the door, locking it completely. Again, you're about to say something, mouth wide open to probably ask why Roxy's face is seconds away from popping every vessel inside but she beats you to it. "'Do you know what time it is?!"

"Eight?" You finally have the chance to answer and apparently it's the wrong answer to this question because Roxy hits her boiling point with her arms flailing side to side and she's ordering you and Aubrey to sit on the couch immediately, like you both just got caught committing a crime. Following your house mother's orders and not chancing your odds with being murdered if disobeyed, Aubrey and you take a seat on the couch, still as confused as ever with why all of a sudden Roxy seems so paranoid.

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