Part 51 - Meeting

Start from the beginning

My insides melt and all my butterflies return to my stomach, "Oh my gosh, this is so cute!"

We jump apart from each other and I turn my head to see my mom wearing a huge grin, "I'm sorry, I was eavesdropping. I'm just so glad that you two found each other again. It's clear you're meant for each other."

Peter and I both stand there awkwardly with my mom smiling at us, "Well we should get going," I say.

"Right, sorry." My mom shakes her head and then heads to the door.


My mom drove us to the Avengers Facility, and Happy meets us at the entrance. He reaches out to shake my mom's hand.

"I'm Happy, I work for Tony." He greets. This is one of the few times I have seen him not getting annoyed with me or Peter.

When Happy begins to walk forward I see that the same two security guards that I messed with are on duty today. I watch as the move back away from me, obviously still remembering our first encounter.

Happy takes up the large glass elevator, and once it stops on a floor we all get out and arrive at a big confrence room. There's a big brown conference table with chairs surrounding it. Tony Stark is already sitting in one of the chairs.

He stands up to greet us, "Well if it isn't my favorite superhero," he tells me as he makes his way over to us.

I notice Peter's face turn into a confused look and Tony must have noticed it took because he whispers to Peter, "Sorry kid, what we had just wasn't working out," he pats Peter's back and then goes to greet my mom.

I can't help but laugh and Peter playfully hits my arm just like he did when we were kids. I pretend that it hurt and I make a face that looks like I'm in pain.

I didn't even listen to my mom and Tony greet each other, the next thing I see is Tony and my mom walking over to the conference table.

Peter and I quickly catch up to them. We all take a seat, I'm at the head of the table, Peter is to my left, and next to Peter is Tony. My mom is placed on my right.

"So, I hear you just discovered your daughter is the superhero Gemini?" Tony starts, "Let me just say she is doing great, everyone is impressed with her."

My mom sets her purse down on the table, "Yes, and I am just worried that she is in real danger. I mean, she's dealing with criminals and murders here. I just don't think it's safe."

Tony leans back in his chair, "Well yes, it isn't particularly safe. But I am always watching her. I created her suit, and it has a tracker in it. She has amazing powers, it surprised the heck out of me and Peter, right?"

Peter nervously nods and looks at me. I send him a mind message, "I don't think my mom is gonna let me keep doing this,"

Peter looks back to make sure Tony was still talking, "She has to. I can't lose my partner. And if she makes you move to Florida, I don't know what I would do. I already lost you once Y/N when we were younger. I can't lose you again."

I give Peter a grateful smile and then tune back into the conversation, "And Y/N has her partner Spider-Man watching out for her," Tony says.

"I'm not a huge fan of him," My mom complains. Peter and I both whipped our heads to her.

Peter spoke up, "W-why don't you like Spider-Man?"

"I just don't like the idea of Y/N always relying on someone like Spider-Man. I mean she doesn't even know him," My mom stops herself, "I mean she doesn't know his true identity.

"B-but Mr. Stark knows his true identity. He can tell you what he's like," Peter looks towards Tony.

"Spider-Man is reliable. He wants her to be safe, basically, he's a good kid." Tony tells my mom.

"Kid?" My mom asks.

"Yes. He's very close to Y/N's age. He's a nice, trustworthy and very smart kid. He's at the top of his class, teachers love him. He reminds me of a young me,"

Peter beams at the last thing Tony says. It's obvious Peter is happy hearing Tony say that he reminds him of himself when he was young. Peter looks up to Tony so much. It makes me happy to see Peter happy.

My mom picks up her purse and stands up, "Well thank you for meeting with me, but I believe Y/N and I have to go home and discuss a lot of things,"

I stand up too just as someone comes walking up to Tony. When he passes me I'm able to figure out who it is. It's Vision!

My mom jumps a little when she sees Vision walk by her and I laugh. He talks something over with Tony before turning back to all of us.

"Hello, I take it your meeting went well," he greets us.

"I guess you could say that," I mumble.

"Mr. Parker, Miss Y/L/N, it's been a while since I've seen you both without your suits on," Vision tells me and Peter.

I freeze when he says that I can tell Peter froze next to me. It took my mom a minute to realize what Vision said, "Wait, why did you say Peter and Y/N's name?" She questions.

Tony gets out of his chair and tries to get Vision to stop talking. But, Vision pauses a moment before responding, "Well because Y/N is Gemini and Peter is Spider-Man,"

"Peter is Spider-Man?" My mom yells.

"Nice going," Tony tells him, "She didn't know about Peter,"

"My apologies," Vision says.





A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter! We got a little Vision cameo and we got to see Tony Stark again! Only three more chapters left in the book! Did any of you guys find any hints about the end of the book in this chapter or the last? I can't wait to start the sequel for you guys! I have it all planned out! Anyways, thank you guys for reading this chapter. Remember to vote, comment and follow!

Love always,

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