Ze prank

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Author's POV
The crew has been on the look out everyday all day to make Wolfie doesn't do anything. They were walking by a town when they spotted Wolfie.

Boris: Um guys
Bendy: What wrong
Boris: I think we should go
Cup: Why
Boris: I spotted Wolfie
Cup: Where
Boris: *Points to Wolfie*
Cup: Oh yeah we should go before she see us
Wolfie: *Smirks* You cant run from me Lilith. I always find a way
Cup: Wait Lilith
Felix: At least she wasn't talking to us. Wait where did she go
Wolfie: Oh your wondering where I am. I didn't know you cared so much Felix.
Cup: Wolfie. Show yourself
Wolfie: Hmm. Nah. Im having fun
Bendy: Bitch you better show yourself
Wolfie: Thank you for the compliment. I am a female dog/Wolf
Bendy: *Growls*
Wolfie: Your so cute when your angry
Bendy: I am not cute
Wolfie: What if I make a deal with you guys.
Cup: What kind of deal
Mugs: Cup! *Elbows him in the stomach*
Wolfie: Ah Cuphead. This will be for you then. I need you to find me. If you find me and can give me a reason to stop. Ill stop irritating you and stop pulling pranks. But you only have one hour. If you don't find me and give me a reason then... Well you'll find out.

So the crew went out to find Wolfie. Little did they know that they were being followed. Lilith and Wolfie were planing a big prank on them. They were gonna be so mad. A half hour passed and they still didn't find her.

Bendy: We're never gonna find her. And if we don't shes gonna do something.
Cup: Calm down worrying isn't gonna help
Bendy: Well if you didn't ask about the deal none of this would have happened
Boris: Guys
Cup: Well sorry for being curious.
Boris: Guys
Bendy: Well maybe stop and listen to us instead of her
Boris: GUYS
Felix: What is it Boris
Boris: I found Wolfie
Wolfie: Well is seems that you have found me. But you only have 10 minutes to convince me to stop pulling pranks on you
Bendy: W-
Wolfie: Ugh Boring. You guys are so boring. The only exciting person is Felix. Actually that gives me an idea. *Puts Felix on her broom with her* Don't convince me in 5 minutes and both of the cats fall
Cup: Both
Wolfie: Oh did I not mention Lilith was following you? When Cuphead wasn't looking she stole Jackpot.
Cup: Oh now you've done it *points laser at Wolfie*
Wolfie: I wouldn't do that if I was you. *Puts Felix in front of her as a shield. Shoot me and the kitty cat gets it *Puts a knife to Felix's Neck* I dare you

All their arguing made it less time they had. Soon enough they were out of time

Wolfie: Oh that's such a shame
Cup: What is
Lilith: Seems you've run out of time
Bendy: What
Wolfie: And now the kitty's get it. Here you can have Felix. I don't want him. I got a new cat now. Ta ta. *Drops Felix*
Mugs: *Catches Felix*
Cup: Jackpot! No! Now your deffinetly dead.
Wolfie: We'll see about that
Cup: *Shoots laser*
Wolfie: *Grabs Lilith and disappears as soon as Cuphead shoots*
Cup: Damn it
Bendy: Don't worry we'll get him back

A/N: I hope this pays for my short chapters. Also this was requested by xXxquestionablexXx

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