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cole & jerry

cole hey, di gave me your number

jerry hey cole, what's up???

cole i just wanted to let you know that breakups suck, but it always gets better

jerry that's hard to believe

cole it does, i promise

cole you go on to meet cuter and nicer people

jerry not even

cole well i did

jerry whatcha mean?

cole right before i moved in with gilbert, i was broken up with

jerry oh no. who was she?

cole nobody. and it was a he

jerry oh

jerry now i feel like an idiot for assuming you liked anne

cole don't

cole it's okay

jerry i'm sorry, that sucks

cole yeah. it did.

cole but there's better boys around me now

jerry alright well let me know if you see any that would like a dork like me

cole i already have

jerry who?

cole that's for later

an: 🤷🏻‍♀️😉

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