breaking point (req)

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Exams, exams, exams. Everyone has their own problems and stress that comes with exams, but why is it hitting me so hard? Even johnny, my boyfriend of only a couple of months can tell something wrong with me; but I can't seem to get my mind off of studying and studying and then studying even more. It's been brewing up inside me so bad, but if I don't pass these tests I'm gonna be so screwed, I'm gonna fail the whole entire class, I'm gonna be held back, I'm gonna fail the whole grade and- bsst. My phone vibrating snaps me out of my overthinking.

johnny baby 💞: "Hey sweet-pea, wanna come over to the dorm for a bit? I miss you a lot and I wanna see you again 😔"

I pick up the phone immediately, open his text and contemplate for just a little. Not going to lie; I feel guilty for not seeing him since exams were announced, I've been swamped with trying to memorize every little thing from this semester. That's when the perfect idea hit me, I can study.. at his place! (such a genius!)

me: "of course, my love! when would you like me over?"

johnny baby 💞 is typing...

johnny baby 💞: "ASAP please! I need my y/n or I'll PERISH"

I smile at the boys cuteness and close my phone, collecting my studying materials and putting them in my y/f/c bag; once I'm done I head out the door and am on my way to my lovely boyfriends dorm.

The moment johnny opens the door, I can see a tinge of disappointment on his face. "Oh, you brought your school bag..? Are you still studying for that exam, baby?" I nod my head slightly and the boy gives me a bittersweet smile, the slightest bit of sadness making its way onto his face, "Well, we have an empty room you can study in for a little while; and then you can come out and spend some time with me and my members. It's a full house tonight, everyone's here, I'm sure they'll love to talk to you once you're done!" Johnny pats my head and guides me to the room aforementioned while rubbing his hand soothingly up and down my back. We walk down a thin hallway before Johnny motions towards the oak door to the room that will be my study hall for tonight, I give him a kiss on the cheek as thanks, open the door, immediately set up my materials, and get to work.

Not 10 minutes go by until I hear a dolphin scream, followed by a bang. I tell myself it's a one time thing, it won't happen again and go back to my studies. Boy, was I wrong. More screaming accompanied by a loud "Chenle, what in the world do you think you're doing?" in a motherly tone by who I can only assume is Doyoung make their presence unwelcome to my eardrums yet again. I scoot out of the chair, walk to the door and down the hallway and peek my head over the wall to see just what was going on. Chenle hoverboarding in the dorms again, typical. "Excuse me?" I blurt softly, to no acknowledgement or response , "Ahem, excuuuuuse me?" the heads of the troublemaker and the mom friend scolding him swivel in my direction; "Can you please quiet down? I'm trying to study for a little" I request, to which Doyoung  gasps a little. "Chenle, I told you no hoverboarding in the house, but you did it anyways and now you've disturbed our guest!" he groaned, dramatically flailing his arms up in the air. "O-oh, y/n I'm so sorry to disturb you..if I would've known you were here, I wouldn't have knocked into stuff on purpose to make Doyoung angry," the man shot a threatening and offended glare to the young boy, "I'll stop doing that now though" Chenle promised and zoomed forward on his device. The older boy and I exchanged slightly annoyed looks before I headed back to the spare room to continue my work.

20 minutes later and I hear yet another scream, don't these kids ever give it a break? Rolling my eyes and groaning, I reach into my school bag to grab my phone and earbuds, pop them in and turn on my favorite instrumentals and decide that focusing on studying is more important than giving those rascals a piece of my mind. While scanning over each and every little detail in my textbooks I fail to see another being walk into the room and crouch down on the opposite side of the desk I was working at until his fingers crawl their way onto the top of my book. "Oh my god," I nearly jumped out of my seat, "Jaemin, you just about scared the life out of me!" I scolded, ripping my earbuds out in shock. Jaemin gives me a mischievous smile with a glint in his eye and laughs, "Y/n...I haven't seen you in so long, why don't you come and hang out with us? We're having so much fun bothering the hyungs.." I softly shake my head at him, hoping he can get the hint so i can go back to my work, "But please, y/n! you can't keep yourself cooped up like this when we're all here and waiting to see you and-" I cut the brunette off with a sharp sigh. "Can't you see I'm a little busy, jaemin? I get that you guys miss me and all, but I only have so long until it's exam day and I have to at least get 90% on these tests. I thought you guys would understand but..I guess not." I snapped, not thinking about the damage of my words until I see the hurt look on jaemins face, his inner eyebrows curve upward and his eyes immediately shoot to the floor. "O-oh. I see, I'm sorry. I'll leave now." Jaemin stands and turns towards the door and I swear I can hear the slightest sniffle come from the boy.

I've really done it now, huh?

I hear quiet murmurs from the living room and start putting all my schoolwork supplies away, knowing that leaving is best. I swing my bag over my shoulders and quickly make my way to the door, seeing a concerned Taeyong with his mouth ready to speak as I open it, but calmly make my way past him as fast as I can, head down to avoid eye contact to make up for the 18 pairs of eyes on me as I make my way towards the front door. Once my foot is out the door and I reach behind me for the doorknob, a large hand wraps around my wrist and my head whips around to see Johnny follow me as quick as he can. His grip on me firms, "y/n, why would you act like that? Jaemin was just worried, we're all worried, you did not need to snap at him so rudely like that." I make contact with his eyes and can see the confusion, concern, and pain so obviously coloring them. I press my eyes closed, and I can feel the regret burning its way through me.

"I just- exams are just, killing me. Maybe they don't seem like a big deal to everyone else but I haven't gotten a good sleep in three days, I can barely eat anything or think about anything but these tests and i'm so so-sorry" I can barely get my reasons out before tears are streaming down my cheeks and I choke on a sob, slowly letting everything I've kept in for so long break down and come out. As I turn away from Johnny to hide my face, he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me. "Oh baby," he lands a kiss on the top of my head, "I'm so so sorry I didn't notice before, if I would've known I wouldn't have scolded you like that. Let me take you home, please"

Johnny pulls the key out of the ignition after a painstakingly silent car ride, with the exception of my occasional sniffle, and I grab my school bag and right as i'm about to exit the vehicle I hear the seatbelt next to mine unbuckle, "Oh, are you coming with?" my head swivels to the direction of the drivers seat, "Mhm" Johnny gives me a small smile, "I wanna stay with you tonight if you don't mind, I was wanting to help you study and make sure you eat well and get to bed early, yknow?" I turn my body towards him and rest a hand on his upper thigh, giving him an unsure glance. "You don't need to do that..I can take care of myself just fine, I don't really want to bother you or waste your time or anything like that, I'd feel so bad yknow? You can just go home if you want and-" My rambling is cut off by a pair of soft lips applying themselves onto mine, so I close my eyes and ease myself into the kiss, bringing my hand up and resting it upon Johnny's neck. Once I'm ready to take the kiss a bit further, Johnny breaks it and rests his forehead on mine, staring deep into my eyes. "I'm gonna need you to apologize to Jaemin when we get back to my dorm, though. I know he'll forgive you, we all will, so don't worry about that."

"Okay honey," I whisper before closing my eyes and giving him a peck on the lips.

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