Will You Stay With Me?

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A/N: Wow 700 reads! That's amazing! I hope that all of you are enjoying the book!

(Peter's POV) 

"When I was 10 I was kid napped." She started. Tears started to form in her eyes so I grabbed her hands. "Hydra took me. They came in the middle of the day. All I remember was a guy in a black hood covering my face and then everything went black. That's why when Bucky scared me earlier with the black hood I freaked out so much, because it brought me back to that day when I was kid napped." She paused and took a breath, then continued on. "I remember waking up with tons of scientists walking around me injecting me with needles, and a tall man that weirdly looked like my dad overseeing everything."

I couldn't believe that Veronica was carrying this on her shoulders? And what did she mean by it be nice to tell someone for once?

"Peter. I never told my dad anything more then that. Because what the guy said scared me so much that I never wanted to tell my dad, because I was scared he didn't want me anymore." She said softly.

"Veronica, what happened to you?" I whispered. 

"The thing is I only recently have been getting these memories back. I didn't remember them when I was younger, but slowly I've been getting them in pieces for the last year, as if the monsters who took me want me to remember. The guy told me I was just like him, that it was a gene in the family, that I would help him destroy the world, and with our powers combined we would take over the universe." Veronica had tears streaming down her face so I took my thumb and whipped them away. 

"Peter I don't think I just got my powers from Hydra. I think I was born with them, and I think that they are meant to destroy things. And I'm terrified of what I might do." She whispered.

I grabbed her and brought her into an embrace. "Ronnie, you don't have an ounce of evil in you. You are the nicest person in the world, and whatever your powers are they are a part of you which means that they are good just like you." I whispered into her ear.

"Peter you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone what I just told you." She pleaded.

"I promise." I said. And I meant it. I wouldn't do anything to break her trust.

*3 hours later*

I sat in a chair in the corner of her room. I had finally calmed her down and I promised her that I would stay until she fell asleep, but I decided to stay all night, just in case something happened. I was still worried about her from yesterday. 

I sat there in the chair. I had tried to fall asleep but after an hour I gave up. 

I couldn't stop wondering what had happened to her? Why they had taken her? What the man meant by saying your just like me? If her powers were made or if she was born with them? 

My mind was spiraling with thoughts. I had so many questions, but I thought it was best not to ask them. 

What I had said to her earlier about me believing she was purely good was true, but what if they were able to change her to be evil?

(Veronica's POV)

*In a dream*

"Ha ha ha ha. My poor child. You seem so scared. But you really shouldn't be scared considering that I'm your great great grandfather. I am your blood, your relative. Don't you think I should get a more welcoming response? No...? Well that's ok, one day when the time is right, you will remember all of this, and then you will be ready to help me gain back my power, and then together we shall rule the universe!" Says the same guy who kidnapped you when you were younger.

"This isn't real this isn't real!" You try to convince yourself.  "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"

(Peter's POV)

The next thing I knew Veronica was screaming.

I jumped out of the chair and ran to her bed. 

I grabbed her shoulders and gently said, "Hey, hey. It's ok. It was just a dream. Your ok. It wasn't real."

Her cheeks had tear stains, "But it was real Peter, it was." She said.

I assumed it was one of her flashbacks, but I decided to ask her about it in the morning, and for now just try and comfort her. I held her in my arms until she fell back asleep and I gently tried to put her head back down on the bed.

"Peter?" She asked as I walked back to the chair.

"Ya?" I whispered back.

"Will you please stay with me?" She whispered.

"Of course," I said as I slowly climbed under the covers with her. "Always." 

I wrapped my arms around her again, and she rested her head on my chest.

I know that she probably only asked me to stay with her because she was freaking out, and I probably shouldn't be thinking this right now, but I really like holding her, and I wish I could snuggle with her every night for the rest of my life. 

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