Start from the beginning

"Okay, got it."

"Pax, you good?"

"Yeah, just don't get hurt."

"I got this," and lit one of my fingers on fire.

"Keep it away from the wood, please," Trixie said as I started burning Pax's rope. "I don't want this whole pole on fire."

"Don't worry," I said, and finished burning through Pax's rope and moved on to Trixie's.

"Great," Pax said, right as I finished with Trixie's. "How are you going to get our other side."

"Crap," I said. "Uhhh-"

"Don't worry," Pax said with a laugh. "I thought this through. When a guard comes over, I convince him to untie us."

"Alright, I said with a grin. "Sounds like a plan."

"Briana Winter!" Bill boomed through the stadium.

"Time to start the plan," I whispered. "Good luck everyone."

"Come forward and meet my beast!" Bill boomed again, and cheers rose up in the crowd.

"Um," I cleared my throat to shout. "I can't exactly do that."

"Oh, uh, right. Guards untie her!"

As the guards came over, Pax commanded one. "Hey," he whispered. "Untie me and the little one." The guard obeyed right away.

"Steve!" Bill yelled. "What are you doing?"

"Tightening the ropes," Pax instructed him to say.

"Tightening the ropes!" Steve yelled.

"Oh, carry on then," and Steve got them untied as I was being dragged in front of Bill. Well, in front/under him since he was sitting above me.

"Prepare!" Bill bellowed at me. "To face my beast!" The wall under him started moving upwards, and the crowd's cheers got even louder. The wall rose slowly, making a grinding sound, adding to my suspense. But once it had fully risen, nothing came out.

"I said," Bill bellowed again. "Prepare to face my beast!" Again nothing came out. Bill turned towards one of his guards. "Jeff, where's Miranda?" Hey, I know Jeff. Jeff gave a shrug, so I answered for him.

"Oh," I shouted up at Bill. "I knocked her out when she was trying to drag me here."

"What!?" Bill was enraged. It was funny to watch because you could almost see the steam coming out of his ears. "Well, then it looks like we will be doing this the old fashioned way, with the guillotine!" Another wall opened behind me, and I saw some of his other guards rolling out a big execution machine. I gulped. Hope this works.

Some guards prodded me forward to the contraption as the other ones set it up. I glanced over a Pax and Trixie, but their faces didn't make me feel much better. Pax looked ready to throw the whole plan out the window. I shook my head at him, telling him not to do whatever he was planning to do, and I saw him relax a bit. It probably didn't help that I hadn't told either of them what I was about to do.

"BEHEAD HER! BEHEAD HER!" the crowd chanted. Well, everyone has to deal with a little disappointment in their life.

The guards forced my head into the wooden circle thing, (sorry, I am not well educated on guillotines) and locked it in place. I saw Jeff give a thumbs up to Bill, but before he said anything, I screamed out, "WAIT!"

"What is it now, Briana?" Bill asked.

"Can you give me a countdown?"

"Why would I do that, and why would you want that?"

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