The Man With No Name

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Yn's POV

We started off by talking about the Society Against Evil. Their symbol was on the Lazarus box. Matt was starting to connect a few dots about the Society, and Joey revealed that he had been with them before. I didn't say anything, because as far as I'm concerned, no one thinks I'm hiding anything.

Teala pulled the map down from the wall and we notice that there are some new things on it. First off, there was green smoke, and then a motel. There was also a little thicket of trees. "The Man With No Name's Lair" Colleen read. "The Man With No Name was hunted because the town thought he was a freak of nature. He sure showed them." Just then, I heard something outside. We all looked at each other before heading out there.

I kept on telling myself not to go outside. There was probably a monster or a body or even both. I'm one of those people that are like, why are we heading towards the creepy noise?

"Oh my god it's a body" Joey said when we got out there. "Who is that" Teala asked. "There's a book in here" Manny said and took something from the plastic wrapped body. "Let's head back inside now" I say. "Good idea" Ro replied. We all turned around and headed back to the lounge.

"I'm getting close to finding the Statue of Era" Joey began to read. "His power is both terrifying and intoxicating. Many have died seeking to obtain it. After gathering their obituaries, I discovered that their deaths have been secretly chronicled in adventures of Allan Quartermain. There's something about placing the volumes in their proper order that will reveal the statue. The painting holds the key."

"This book is by Allan" Ro said and held up a book she found. Manny and Joey continued looking through the book, and saw a drawing of one of the paintings in the room. We take the painting down and realize that we have to match the people from the books based on the murders that happened. So we split up and looked for the 6 books around the room. They weren't hard to find, and we soon had them all. Joey also found the place we were supposed to put them, between 2 bookends. 

I took the book from Joey's hands and began to look through it. We still needed the obituaries. That's when I found a secret spot in the back of the book, and there were the obituaries. "I have the obituaries" I say and hold them up. The obituaries had a picture of the person and a pretty detailed description of how they died. We matched up the pictures on the obituaries to the people on the painting and then placed the books about them underneath their picture. Soon we had the books in chronological order.

Joey grabs the first 4 books and I take the last 2. We put them in the bookend, and then a piece of wall opens up. "Oh my god" Colleen said.

Inside is this really creepy room with columns. There are leaves on the floor and it's really dirty. And in the middle of the room on a pedestal is a scary looking statue with a box in front of it. That has to be the Statue of Era.

We all gather into the room. Safiya picks up a note and begins to read it. "The Statue of Era infects all who touch it. To purify the corrupted idol, 5 ancient stones must be placed at it's feet. To find the stones, you must assemble 2 hunting parties by drawing straws from the box. The 2 with the short straws will be the party leaders. Starting with the youngest leader, they will take turns picking their team. The group to recover the stones will be safe from the final challenge. However, the Man With No Name protects his gems and his touch will remove you from the challenge for 5 minutes. Your only sanctuary is under a red light."

So after we draw straws, we find that Manny and Teala get to be the leaders. And since Teala is younger, she gets to go first. "I pick Matt" she said. "Then I pick Nikita" Manny replied. "Safiya." "I pick Joey." "Yn." 

Teala picking me was a surprise since I went after her the last challenge, but I was glad to be  with Mat and Safiya.

Ro was then picked by Teala and Colleen went to Manny's team. So the teams were like this:

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