Part 1

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(Hector's POV)
Me and Ernesto have probably been friends since kindergarten and we are out of collage just playing Guitar for a living I write songs and he plays and sometimes we play together but right now we have a worldwide tour thing and we kissed our families goodbye for a long while and left. We got in the car to start and head for the airport "Hey Hector want to stop for ice cream" you could say he's like my sugar daddy but I don't call him daddy he just buys me whatever I want and i don't like it when people buy me stuff but he insists so I just go with it "yeah sure" he pulled into some burger place and got two vanilla cones as they gave us the cones we got back on the rode "thank you Ernesto" "no problem mi Amore" I could say we started dating around middle school it was awkward at the time but in high school senior year on prom night the girls were all over us not knowing we are together and that night when we went home he took my virginity honestly I wouldn't want to lose it to anyone else he's the best guy ever. I dropped ice cream on my chin and it dripped down going down my chest as Ernesto smirked at me "Mi Amore shouldn't you clean it up..or swallow it?" I choked on my ice cream when I tried to laugh "I didn't say deep throat it Mi Amore" and I choked again "Mi Amore are you trying to turn me on right now?" I swallowed it and laughed "I hate you sometimes Ernesto.." "No Mi Amore you just love me even more when you think you hate me" I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek as drove "So I have a guard waiting at the airport he's going to take the car back home and we will get a rental car for a while" "sounds good to me" "you know what also sounds good to me?" "Hm?" "You" I choked on the ice cream again "oh yeah choked on that baby watch when we get to our hotel" "ERNESTO!" "What mi Amore" I blushed "I see you blushing" I turned my face away and smiled "shut up.." I felt a hand on my thigh as he  gently squeezed it I twitch a bit "did you like that?" I blushed harder "I see you" "no you don't I can't see you so you can't see me" "Good thing we have a private jet" "w-what?" "Oh Mi Amore you know what's going to happen" I smiled as he moved his hand on to my dick and lightly squeezed as I let out a small moan he put his hand in my pants "E-Ernesto.." "hm" he puts his hand around me and starts to lightly stroke it as I let out small moans "that would leave quite a mess wouldn't it?" "Hm it would wouldn't it....Alright well it's only 2 hours on the plane I can wait" he winks at me and takes his hand out of my pants I rolled my eyes as we got out of the car and we grabbed our bags and Guitars and walked into the airport as the guard took the car back home. We waited for our plane to arrive and it did as we boarded it thank god it's Ernesto's private jet I don't know what I would do if I was in a plane with so many people my anxiety would be terrible. 30 minutes later it was super quiet on the plane as Ernesto played some music on the guitar and I was texting mi familia back home "ay Hector listen to this" I looked up at him as he played lightly as a lullaby I smiled "I'm still working on it but I'm thinking of it Being a slow song you know" "yeah I like it though" I pulled out my writing book and started thinking of what to write into a song. Hmm maybe I can call it Un Poco loco that doesn't sound stupid I like it "What color would you say the sky is mi Amore?" "Blue" "no not blue I need something poetic not just plain old blue" "hmm then Red I guess" "Red?" "Pink, yellow, purple I don't know Hector my head hurts" "sorry Mi Amore I'll be quiet" he smiled at me and gently fell asleep I kissed his head and put a blanket on him as I went back to my seat and my book "hmm what colors the sky... Ay mi Amore Ay Mi Amore that sound good.." I write and write until it's a full song I think I sing it to Ernesto when he wakes I put my book away and relaxed in the chair. "Hmm I want to cuddle with Him.." I walked over to Ernesto and laid on him as I felt his arms go around my skinny waist as I drifted off. Finally we were awoken by the plane captain and we got off the plane "Well we have our limo waiting over there for us also the hotels here are nice I have heard" "what state are we in?" "Hmm I think Arizona.." "ay no wonder it's hot out here" "yeah let's get in the car I'll pass out if I'm out here any longer" we got in the car it was nice and cool in there as they shut the black screen window and rolled up ours. "Ay Ernesto I wrote you a song!" He smiled and looked at me "really what's it called?" "It's called Un Poco Loco.." "I like that play it for me at the hotel" "Sure!" As he gave me a kiss and we stopped and got out and walked inside to receptionist desk "Hello Name please?" "Ernesto De La Cruz and Hector Rivera" her pen dropped and looked right at us "Oml can I get a picture I mean if you don't mind" we both giggled "sure no problem" she took a photo and gave us our key and room number as we took the elevator to the 12th floor which was the top and we walked in Ernesto shut and locked it as we put our luggage down knowing we have so many more places to preform and I laid on the bed "what time are we preforming tonight?" I asked "Uhm around 9:30" I looked at my phone "ugh it's only 5:47" "Well we have about 3 hours to spare" as he smirked and winked at me I didn't notice until he was hovering over me both arms next to my head "Mi Amore you look handsome as always you know.." I blushed slightly "no I don't ..." he giggled and began to kiss me "Ernesto.."
———————————————————————————Sorry if it's bad this sex part is going to be in the next one so don't worry I will have that one out soon🇲🇽❤️😍😂😁 Te Amo❤️🌈

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