Start from the beginning

"Grab my hand!" Trixie instructed us. I don't know how that will help but oh well.

I grabbed her left hand and Pax grabbed her right hand, and we froze right as the guard came through the path clearing, and stared right at us. This is it. We'll see you soon Cameron, but I'm afraid we won't be much help.

"What do you see Terry?" asked who I would assume is Henry.

"It looks like somebody was here," Terry replied, looking from us to around the ground from when we slid down the hill.

"It was probably an animal," said the other voice. "There is no way any human could have hid that quickly."

"You're right."

"Of course I am, I'm awesome, and awesome people aren't wrong."

"You are very far from awesome," Terry grumbled as he made is way back out of the path. We stood there until we couldn't hear their arguing anymore, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

"How did that work?" I thought out loud. "The guy looked right at me. How could he have not seen me?"

"Look down," Trixie told me, and gasped. Where my legs should have been was nothing, I was looking straight at the muddy ground. I looked over to my right but couldn't see my arm, which should have been holding Trixie's, and I couldn't see Trixie or Pax. I was about to ask Trixie what the heck was going on when she appeared with Pax and my arm.

"When I am invisible and touch something, it turns invisible with me, see," Trixie said, and disappeared again. We waited for a couple seconds before a tree five feet from where she was standing disappeared, and showed back up right when Trixie showed up.

"Whoa," I commented, my mouth hanging open.

"Dang," Pax added, the same dumbfounded expression on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, take a picture it last longer," Trixie said, waving her hand. "Are we going to get Cameron or not?"

"Right, let's go," I said and held out a hand for Trixie to take. She took mine and then reached for Pax's, and then made our way out of the forest.

When the trees were out of the way, we all had a clear view of the fortress that Cameron was locked in. Honestly, a fortress was an understatement.

This place is enormous. It was at the bottom of another hill, and all around it was a line of trees like the ones we had come from, except for the far back, where there was an opening that led off a cliff to the ocean. So you remember how big Pax's house was right? This place was the size of his house times five. It was stone from top to bottom, the color of coal, and not to mention it also had five stories. I turned my attention to the front, thinking that since we were invisible it would be easy to get in, but nope. There were six bears plus twenty more guards guarding the main entrance. I was worried about finding a way in, but now that I think about it, how the heck are we going to find Cameron.

"Holy sh-" Pax started.

"Shortcake," I finished for him.

"Alright guys, let's get down there and sneak around the bears through the door," Trixie whispered.

"We can't do that," I whispered back.

"Why not? We are invisible, they won't see us."

"They won't see us, but the bears will smell us."

"So what do we do?" Pax asked.

"I'm not sure," I whispered as I looked around the fortress until something caught my eye. "Bingo."

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