I wish you could be honest

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I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter, so here is number 2.

~Iwaizumi's POV~

I hear the jarring sound of my alarm, and groan. I roll over to my nightstand to slap the top of my alarm clock. I grab my phone off the stand and check the date.

Ugh. It's only Thursday.

The days have been achingly slow ever since Oikawa started ignoring me. I'm not sure how much longer I can go without him. I put the thought out of my mind, and start to get dressed.

By the time I get to school, I found myself once again missing Oikawa's cheerful greeting in the morning.

I really need to to stop thinking about him...

As I walk to the gym, I'm stopped by Hanamaki.

"Hey...what's been going on with you and Oikawa?

I sighed. I think I've been asked that question at least ten times in the past two days, and I'm sick of it. I decide it's time to clear things up.

I storm past Hanamaki and into the gym. I do a quick check to make sure everyone is here, and practicitally yell,

"Alright everyone, I've got an announcement to make"

Everyone looked startled at the sudden announcement, but the whole team walks over to form a half circle in front of me. The whole team, except for Oikawa. He just continues to practice serving, but no one tries to stop him.

I take a deep breath, and slow down my breathing from my fit of rage into the gym. I made a mental note to apologize to Hanamaki later.

"Earlier this Week, Tuesday to be exact, I recived a letter from College K. They were offering me an athletic scholarship"

Everyone around me slapped me on my back and congratulated me. Oikawa, for the time in weeks, looked at me. My hopes rose as he turned his head in my direction, but they died again when I saw the anger and hatred in his eyes.

My teammates started asking me questions, but slowly everyone stopped when they realized I wasn't listening to them. As I looked at Oikawa, I know they saw the sorrow in my eyes, because you would've have to be an idiot to not see it.

But what they didn't know was the promise we made all those years ago...


It was the day his father died. He came to me in tears. I held him in my arms until he calmed down.

"I-Iwa-chan...please dont ever leave me"

"I won't"

"P-Promise me"

"I promise Oikawa. I will never leave you as long as you live"

That was also the day Oikawa's mother stopped being his mother. After that, I was the only person who cared.

- - - -

As of now, it was Friday. While people had stopped asking questions about Oikawa, he still wasn't talking to me. And I'm at my breaking point. I just can't take it. I don't care if I have to beg. I don't think I can go another day without him setting to me. Without him talking to me. Without him by my side.

So by the end of the school day, I knew where I was going. I stopped by my house to drop off my school stuff and change into more comfortable clothes. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

My house was only a quarter of a mile away from Oikawa's, so it wouldn't be a long walk. I made my way down the street, to the nearest crosswalk. I waited until the light to walk across was green, and stepped off the curb, into the street.

I made it halfway across the street, when I heard yelling and the honk of a car horn. I look to my right and see a semi-truck speeding at me, with no intention of stopping.

In that instant everything slowed down. They say that your life flashes before your eyes, but that didn't happen. Time just.... stopped. I knew in that tenth of a second this was the last thing I was ever going to see.

And in that moment, one person popped into my mind. The person who I loved for years, but I just didn't realise it until now. The person who I would spend my life with, but now wouldn't get the chance to....

I'm sorry Tooru.

~Oikawa's POV~

I'm working on my homework, when my from rings on the desk beside me. I pick it up and answer it, not bothering to check the caller ID. I've already blocked Iwa-chan anyway. As I put the phone to my ear, I immediately reconize the voice.

It's Iwa-chan's mother.

I could tell she was trying to hold back tears and her voice was horse.

"Tooru, I have some b-bad news...It's about Iwaizumi."

My breath catches in my throat and my mouth becomes dry. Iwa-chan's mother managed to choke out between sobs,

"Iwaizumi was walking to your house...and t-there was a drunk driver...in a semi..he ran a red light........and hit Iwaizumi...h-he's d-dead.."

The phone slips from my hands, and I feel a single tear slide down my cheek. One after another...and I cant stop them. I sit in the corner of my room sobbing, screaming,

All the hatred, all the anger that I felt, dissipated, only to be replaced with pain. And I screamed. I screamed until I was numb. My parents weren't home to hear this, and later I was thankful for this......but right now I didn't care.

I don't even remember my name. All I knew is that Iwaizumi is dead, and it was my fault.

If I had just heard him out....

If I didn't yell at him....

If I had just apologized first....

If it was me instead of him....

He wouldn't be dead.

I couldn't think straight. I was falling into a dark, dark hole. I couldn't see light, but I felt the darkness, swallowing me whole. It drove me insane.

My mind was





In on itself.

I was stuck in a narrow, dark place.




The only person that could save me....

was dead.

I apologize to the few people who read this, Becuase this was a really crappy chapter. I still am new to writing so I still suck. I'm not sure why I'm doing this, I just am. I try.

Why did you leave? (Iwaoi)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin