Chapter 7

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A loud buzz erupted in the silence of the darkness. Grant was immediately awake, reaching for his phone. He didn't want to wake Monica after their exhausting session of lovemaking. The poor woman had begged for mercy sometime around 3am.

Still following up your lead? Does she have a friend?

Grant shook his head. Tim never was one for subtle.

Yes and no. What's the status on Marino?

Not sure Misty's ever been paid so much for such a small amount of time.

He smothered a laugh.

Any problems?

A couple of unruly guys outside of Blush Shoppe. Nothing we couldn't handle.

Call if you need. Otherwise, see you in the morning.

The SEAL side of him demanded a time be set, but the sleeping form next to him demanded he stay as long as possible. Once again tonight, his body was making decisions for him. He slid under the sheets and curled himself around the young woman that had proved to be surprisingly loud in the bedroom.

Just the thought of her screams had him hard again. A small groan escaped her mouth as she wiggled her hips against his erection.

"Is that for me?"

She surprised him yet again.

"I thought you were asleep."

"Merely napping." She wiggled again.

Grant nuzzled against her neck feathering kisses down to her bare shoulder. "You're not too sore?"

A sigh escaped her lips. "It's worth every moment."

He smiled. None of the women in his life had ever been able to keep up with his high sex drive. This one seemed to thrive on it. His fingers glided over her waist and hips.
"So beautiful."

Monica rolled onto her back. "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"I don't." Oh he liked this position much better. Her eyes were closed and her body open for his touch. He skimmed over her hips, waist, breasts and back down.

"It's okay. I understand that a man like you . . ."

He froze. "Hey,"

Her eyes fluttered open.

"I don't screw everything in a skirt. I have very good self-control when it comes to women. You're the first one I've been with in a year."

Her mouth fell open. No more talking. His mouth descended to hers. She still tasted of rum. He held himself up, only allowing their mouths to touch and taste. Just like in the bar, soft mewls escaped her lips. The bed moved as she squirmed. Her hands pushed at his chest, surprising him.

"I need you."

"You have me." He teased.

Monica bit her bottom lip. "Inside me." Her small hand wrapped around his rigid length. "I need this inside me."

It was Grant's turn to squirm. The vulnerable look in her eyes almost had him coming in her hand. He pressed a kiss to her lips and carefully removed himself from her. Her knees fell open as he shifted. Damn. He kissed her stomach and then her inner thighs, pulling her knees over his shoulders. She was wet already and smelled oh so sweet.

"What are you doing?" her sleepy voice was like an invisible caress.

"Keeping a promise." He licked and kissed every pink inch of her. His fingers plunging inside the tight wetness, moving her closer and closer to the edge.

Monica's fingers threaded through his hair. No words, just moans and screams. He curled his fingers upwards against that one sensitive spot until her orgasm overwhelmed them both. Before she could come down, he snatched the condom from the nightstand, rolled it on and plunged deep inside her. Another set of spasms were met with whimpers. He leaned over, her hard nipples like daggers to his chest.

She was so tight, he wouldn't last long like this. He stroked hard and slow, slamming into her. She mewled encouragement. The incoherent moans were the sweetest sounds he had ever heard. And made his cock harder than before. He moved harder and faster until they both exploded. He jerked hard, stars danced in front of his eyes and darkness threatened to take him.

Once his heart rate returned to normal, Grant tossed the condom in the trash and pulled Monica into his arms. She snuggled against his chest.

"Sweet dreams, beautiful."

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