Chapter 8

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Yeah, I've gotta admit, this took a hot second to publish...oh well! Here it is now, right? A very quick thank you for 150 reads on the prologue, and over 900 reads as a whole :)

There has also been a request or two to lengthen my chapters just a bit. Hope you guys enjoy!

Now, back to your regularly scheduled reading. :)


After I grab my lunch from my locker, I walk into the cafeteria and to Ned and Peter's usual table. I don't think I can call it my table just yet. I've only been here for three days.

Ned's expression lights up when he spots me. "Hey!" He exclaims, waving excitedly. I giggle softly and wave back as I approach closer. Peter turns and grins, patting the seat next to him. When I sit, he kisses my cheek softly and gives me this cute, little, warm smile. "Hey cutie," Peter says softly.

I blush at the nickname. "H-Hi."

"EW!" Ned laughs, throwing a tater tot at Peter. I giggle and shake my head. "No PDA, you nerds!"

Peter picks up the tot and throws it back. "You're a nerd too, nerd!"

As they continue to return fry fire, I open my bagged lunch and take out Eloise's note she wrote for me today. I wonder what it's going to say this time?

It reads: Hi Will! Look, I draw SpiderMan! He is so cool! Maybe we will meet him someday! Have a great day! I love you! Love, Eloise

On the back of the notecard, was a person colored with red and blue crayon and a black dot on the middle of his chest. She was only able to draw two legs because the crayon was so thick. I giggle softly at the whole thing. It was a cute little drawing.

I can't help but recall my curiosity from this morning. Who is this Spider-Man guy? Is he really that well known? A better question - how have I not heard of this superhero before? I've been living in New York for a month and a half, and I haven't heard or seen this guy in tights flying around? I don't know, maybe I've been living under a rock or something.

"Can I ask you guys something?" I speak up, turning towards Peter and Ned. They focus their attention on me and nod. "How much do you know about this Spider-Man-dude-guy?"

Ned glanced at Peter then smiles. There's a mischievous and happy glint in his eyes. "Well...he's a really cool superhero. Spider powers. Sometimes he helps the Avengers. Mostly Iron Man though." I nod slightly and show them Eloise's drawing. Obviously, I still have a shit ton of questions, but I hold back.

"I just learned about him today. I was just wondering if I was the only one living under a rock."

"Oh, you are," Peter teases, poking me in my side.

"Shut up!" I spazz and giggle, slapping his hand away. He rests it on my knee and squeezes it slightly. "What kind of 'spider powers' does he have?"

"Climb walls, stick to things, super strength. Ya know, like spiders do," Ned says, sass in the tone. I laugh and shake my head slightly as Peter and Ned start to chant "like spiders do" over and over, with different accents and sass.

They eventually create a mini rap, with The Nedster on the mic and Petey P. on the beat, titled "Like Spiders Do."

At this point, I can barely breathe from how hard I'm laughing. I haven't laughed that hard in...forever.

It's suddenly feeling like my lunch table.


Finally, the last bell. I get to go home.

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