Chapter 13: The Holy Temple and Secret Beast-Taming Formula

Start from the beginning

So, if the Holy Temple wanted this secret formula of Beast-taming, wouldn't that mean it was an extremely powerful skill?


"Are you still not scramming yet?"(Scram and Roll have the same pronunciation in Chinese).

"I will...but, I don't know how to get out of Beast Land..." Ke YongAn was being a wimp, she knew, but how could she defy?

"Ha....That is enough trickery. Are you rolling, or not?"

"Yes, Yes."

Ke YongAn did not dare open her mouth to drive the wrench deeper despite being wronged. This old person seemed to be very stubborn and arrogant.

Thus, began Ke YongAn's journey of aimlessly wandering around. As she headed toward a different part of the forest, Qin YangTian appeared.

"Grandfather, she-"

"Don't be fooled, YangTian. She is definitely from the Holy Temple. If not, how did she know about this place, or even appear here?"

Qin YangTian sighed, but did not argue further.

Meanwhile, Ke YongAn, battered and bruised from encountering so many magical beasts that seemed to be hell-bent on taking her soul, hid behind a tree, listening closely to a conversation.

They had suddenly appeared through tendrils of light, and with the signified white and golden robes, Ke YongAn could deduce they were from the Holy Temple.

The fire crackled on this dangerous night, and some apprentices that came for experience were the ones who were discussing around the fire, keeping watch.

"What do you guys think about the Beast-Taming formula?"

"It must be so powerful! Commanding 10 000 beasts at how cool would that be?"

"If we contributed, we could get so much merit points to get a better mount!"

"Hey, what if the formula landed in ours hands...?"

"haha, you better get ready to be buried without a burial ground if that happened!"

They continued to joke around, and Ke YongAn continued to listen. From what she could deduce, each one was in the Nine Passages Stage, something she could not be trifled with. Aghhhh...when will you tell me where you'll attack?! SOMETHING USEFUL PLEASE.

Fortunately, someone had sent their prayers.

"Oh yeah, when are we leaving?"

"Dimwit, were you not listening?" The person sighed and reluctantly explained,

"We're leaving first thing tomorrow. For us, we'll just stay low and enter. This time we brought a Spirit Condensing level expert. They say it is just a kid and that old monster, so this should be just a sneeze."


"Don't "Oh" me!"

They then began to squabble amongst each other. Seeing how it was already close to dawn, Ke YongAn bolted back toward Qin YangTian's place, shouting loudly.

"Qin YangTian, Qin YangTian! Sir! Are you there?!" But no matter how loud she shouted, it seemed the force-field could keep sound out.

Why was she helping out? Well, Qin YangTian had saved her life once. At least she could do this little. Besides, even with the rudeness she was given, it didn't settle well with her that something bad would befall them.

Ke YongAn picked up a rock and was about to hurl it when she stopped mid-way. She stared down at the rock. I can...touch things??

However, this was no time to ponder about that. She hurled the rock at the empty space, causing a disturbance. Continuing to hurl rocks, a voice thundered out,

"What do you want?!"

"Sir, people are coming to take away your Beast-taming Formula!"

"How do I know you aren't trying to trick me?!"

Ke YongAn was desperate. Dawn was approaching, meaning the Holy Temple was coming.

"They're coming now! RIGHT NOW! They have a Spirit Condensing Level Expert, and all the others are at the Nine Passages Stage!"

The surroundings were silent, causing Ke YongAn to speak out again,

"Please believe me!"

Seeing the sincerity in Ke YongAn's eyes, Qin YangTian's grandfather fell silent. Yet it would feel like a face-slap if he took back everything he haughty said before, so,

"Get in. But don't try anything funny."

Feeling relieved, Ke YongAn quickly ran through the array, and was extremely surprised at how this miniature dimension appeared.

However, she was unable to enjoy the sight before another voice thundered out,

"Qin LuPuo, get out here!"

(P.S. I don't like to swear, nor type swear words, so I could of incorporated that into this story. But I did not.)

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